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I appreciate your letter. Would you like to meet up for lunch with Harry and I?
Hermione Granger

"We're going to be late, hurry up!" Draco shouted through the apartment. "Pansy's going to have a fit."
"I'm coming, wait a second!" Hermione yelled back, struggling to brush her hair and step into her heels at the same time. They had forgotten to set the alarm the night before, and Harry was meeting them at the station in five minutes. Hermione threw her lipstick in her purse and resolved to put it on in the Ministry bathroom.
She ran out of the bedroom, wobbly on her heels, and walked out the door. She and Draco made it to the station a moment after Harry did, who handed them both cups of coffee.
"Thanks," Hermione said, out-of-breath.
"Thank you," Draco echoed.
"'You overslept?" Harry asked.
"I don't want to talk about it," Hermione said, brushing her hair out of her face and taking a sip. As they stepped onto the train, her eyes went wide. "Harry Potter."
"What?" he asked, confusion in his face.
"You took over my cases without telling me!" she exclaimed, in a whisper-yell.
"Oh, Merlin," Harry groaned. "Who told you?"
"Who told me?" she protested. "Not a, 'I'm so sorry, Hermione, I shouldn't have done that'?"
"Well, it helped you recover without so much stress," he retorted. "I'm not sorry. Who told you?"
Draco made a little noise of agreement, and Hermione huffed. "Ron did."
"Ron?" Harry asked, frowning, before realization hit. "Oh. The letter."
"Yes. The letter," she snapped. "Speaking of, we're going to meet him for lunch."
"What? Ron? When?" Harry asked, shocked.
"Yes. I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know."
"Are you sure?"
Harry leaned back against the seat. "Well, I'm glad that you're on... speaking terms."
Hermione nodded. "We'll see how it goes."
They got off of the train at the Ministry, going through the Visitor's entrance since Draco was with them. Hermione stopped in the women's restroom to put on her lipstick, then met up with them, Blaise, Ginny, Luna and Astoria outside of the courtroom. Theo and Pansy weren't there yet- Blaise informed her that Pansy had to turn in her wand for the trial.
"Is she hysterical yet?" Draco asked in an undertone. Ginny tried to smack him, but aimed wrong and hit Harry instead, who let out a noise of protest. She apologized and hit Blaise this time.
"No, Theo gave her a calming drought," Blaise told him, ignoring Ginny.
Hermione's heart caught in her throat as she entered the large marble room, cold radiating from the stone floors. The last time that they had been there, she had been so angry, so worried. They sat on the opposite side that they had before- in the area behind the accused. The last time that they had been here, Ron was sitting trial for unlawful use of Amortentia.
"It's cold in here," Ginny complained under her breath. Luna gave a little noise of agreement, crossing her legs as she sat.
Kingsley was sitting at the high table, the rest of the Wizengamot seated around him. Hermione caught his eye and he gave her a little wave, which soothed her worries. It was just Kingsley. Pansy would be fine.
Speaking of Pansy, Astoria escorted Pansy into the center of the room. She sat in the chair of the accused, but Astoria did not chain her wrists to the arms of the chair. Theo slipped into the seat next to Draco, face pale but head high. Pansy fidgeted with her wedding ring as the Wizengamot murmured among themselves, before Kingsley slammed down the gavel.
"We are here for the trial of Pansy Parkinson on the charge of murder. Plaintiff?"
A short little wizard with a bored look on his face squinted at a rumpled piece of parchment and droned, "Pansy Parkinson committed the murder of Natalia Lestrange twenty-seven Septemer, during an Auror mission to retrieve Draco Malfoy from Abraxas Waten and Natalia Lestrange. Miss Parkinson used the killing curse to strike Natalia Lestrange, who died immediately."
"Miss Greengrass?" Kingsley asked.
"Mrs.," Astoria said, standing. Kinsley inclined his head. "My client pleads guilty on terms of self-defense."
Blaise's fingers were tapping on his knee and Ginny was squinting sightlessly at the high table. Luna pulled a little vial out of her purse and gave it to Theo. A calming drought.
"May I present the first witness," the short man said blandly. "Abraxas Waten, do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"
"I do."
They all turned to see Abraxas in the witness box, a cutting smile on his face and his eyes laser-focused on Hermione. Draco let out an angry noise and Hermione grabbed his hand.
"Was Miss Lestrange provoking Miss Parkinson in any way at the time of the incident?"
"No," Abraxas said clearly.
"I object!" Pansy shouted, standing abruptly.
Kingsley slammed down the gavel, saying, "Order!"
"What the hell?" Blaise exclaimed, moving to stand. Ginny yanked on his arm to pull him back down to a seated position, and Luna put her hand on Ginny's shoulder.
"Why the fuck did they let him out?" Draco said, the hand not twined in Hermione's in a tight fist. "He can't be here. Especially not-"
"Pansy," Theo whispered. Pansy's face was whiter than a ghost, her hands visibly shaking. Abraxas was staring at her, his silver eyes liquid. Theo made a noise somewhere between concern and anger, and Luna hastily reached into her purse again, this time distributing Calming Droughts around the whole group.
"Miss Parkinson, please wait to speak. Mr. Waten, what is your summary of events?"
"Natalia had not touched Pansy," Abraxas said simply. "They were yards apart."
"Bullshit!" Theo yelled, standing. Hermione yelped and pulled him back down, jamming the vial of Calming Drought back into his hand.
"I would like to remind all observers that they must stay silent unless called upon," Kingsley said evenly. Pansy threw a grateful look at Theo, looking calmer after she heard his voice, no matter how angry it was.
"I would like to bring a witness to the stand, if there are no further questions to Mr. Waten," Astoria said politely but forefully. She said Mr. Waten as if it were an expletive.
The short man shook his head. He did not seem to care much for his job, which Hermione was thankful for in this case. Draco blew out a breath as Abraxas was escorted from the witness box, but remained in the room. If looks could kill, Abraxas would be six feet underground.
"Mr. Potter."
Ginny shoved Harry toward the witness-box, and looking more collected than the rest of them, Harry swore the oath.
"Ah, I think it's worth mentioning that, er, prior to this incident, Abraxas and Natalia had kidnapped Hermione, and Draco, Luna, Blaise and Ginny. They permanently blinded Ginny and Hermione and Draco still suffer damage."
"My department went in the retrieve Draco. The others had been retrieved by a house-elf from inside of the residence. Abraxas declared that that if we did not leave him be, he would kill Draco."
There was mumuring from the Wizengamot. Abraxas leaned back in his seat, a serene smile on his lips.
"I said no. Blaise shot Expelliarmus at Abraxas. Natalia ran to him, releasing Draco, and Hermione, Pansy and I ran to Draco. Natalia sent a killing curse at Draco. Pansy shot one at Natalia in return as she tried to escape."
"I'm sorry, a killing curse was sent at Mr. Malfoy?" another wizard called out.
"Yes, that is accurate," Harry replied.
"But he's right there," the wizard said, indicating Draco with his quill.
"Yes," Harry replied. "Hermione managed to bring him back with her magic, which is why they are both suffering from lasting damage inflicted by Abraxas and Natalia."
"My client pleads guilty on terms of self-defense," Astoria said clearly.
The Wizengamot dissolved into muttering.
"Bloody hell," Ginny muttered, so flustered that she was using her brother's phrases.
"She's fine," Hermione said firmly, half for Ginny and half for herself. Luna was quiet, expression calm.
"We'll take a short break," Kingsley said, before slamming down the gavel and departing in a swish of robes.

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