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Five months later

"She acts as if I can't function on my own," Hermione said, rolling her eyes. Draco laughed, dropping her hand. They had just Apparated from the Ministry, where they had gone to pick up some more of Hermione's work after an appointment at St. Mungo's. Draco had gotten to see the helicopter-like behavior of Hermione's assistant firsthand.

"She's just cautious, love," Draco said, patting her shoulder. She hmphed, placing the bag of potions that they had been sent home with on the kitchen table.

"It's still annoying. Plus, she held us over for so long- you know we've got to make it to your parents' gala."

Lucius and Narcissa were throwing a 'little' party of about a thousand people to celebrate the safe return of Hermione, Draco and everyone. Hermione had protested, but Narcissa insisted, shutting her up with the promise that she and Draco could sneak out the back door after dinner if they wanted. Draco had agreed right off the bat- he knew that there would be nothing of the sort. His mother always got what she wanted.

"Hm, yes, that is annoying," Draco said.

"I've only got an hour to get ready," Hermione fretted. "You're okay with Ginny coming still, right?"

"You don't need an hour, sweetheart. You always look beautiful," Draco said simply. "And of course. Isn't Pansy coming as well?"

"No, she's been at your parents' for ages. Setting up decorations, she said."


Just then, Ginny Apparated into the living room. She exclaimed when she saw Hermione, "You haven't showered?"

"Gin, I just got home," she said weakly, before the redhead shooed her out of the room. Hermione went grudgingly, her faint annoyance increasing when she heard Ginny and Draco speaking in hushed tones through the sound of the water splashing the shower door. She shook her head, running her hands through her hair. "Ridiculous."
When Hermione came back she was wrapped in a soft green robe that Draco had gotten her for her birthday. Draco was a fan of purchasing green clothing for Hermione, claiming that it looked better on her than any other color. She suspected that he just wanted to see her in Slytherin colors.
Ginny was leaning back with her arm on the kitchen counter, a glass of wine in her hand. Draco was looking at her with irritation in his gaze, but Ginny was paying him no mind. She reached out to tap his shoulder, surprise on his face that he was still there. "What are you doing? Get out of here."
"Sorry, ginger, but you can't get rid of me," Draco said, crossing his arms. "Hermione and I have to be within ten kilometers of each other at all times."
"Then go ten kilometers away," Ginny said brusquely. Draco's expression soured, but he Disapparated nonetheless. Hermione felt a little tug at her heart as he did so- the smallest bit of magic pulling from her energy. Ginny noticed her expression falter momentarily, and the redhead softened.
"It's still happening?" she asked quietly.
Hermione shook her head with a tight smile. "It's not supposed to go away for at least another year. Maybe longer."
Ginny ducked her head. "Merlin, Mione. I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize, Gin. It's not your fault."
"No. But it bothers you, I can tell."
"Maybe a little."
Truthfully, it did bother her. She would do it again and again just to save Draco, but the loss of her full magical abilities was crippling, despite the pains that she took to not rely on her magic. The distance requirement between her and Draco was also incredibly inconvenient, given the fact that he worked at a flower shop in Diagon Alley and Hermione worked in the Ministry of Magic. She tried not to show it, because she knew that Draco felt guilty. He hated that he had caused her any bit of pain, despite her insistence that she had wanted to.
"I wouldn't want to be near that git 24/7, either," Ginny said lightheartedly. Hermione smacked her arm. "Hush."
Ginny giggled, pulling her into the closet where she had set up Hermione's dress for the evening. "Pansy gave me your dress before she left for the Malfoys'."
"Let me see," Hermione said excitedly.
"No! Not until you're all ready," Ginny proclaimed. Hermione rolled her eyes, but allowed Ginny to work on her hair and makeup.
"Merlin, Gin, when did you get so good at this?" Hermione asked, admiring her makeup in the mirror. It was done incredibly well, considering the fact that Ginny couldn't see at all. Ginny laughed, curling Hermione's hair into soft waves with her wand. "Going to events everyday sort of forces you to learn."
"I guess so," Hermione said, raising her eyebrows. "You certainly learned well."
"Well, thank you," Ginny said, tucking the last strand of hair into the updo with a flourish. "Let me do mine, and then we'll get dressed."
"You read my mind."

Hermione and Ginny's glasses of wine were well-finished when Ginny finished getting ready, about fifteen minutes before they were supposed to be at the Malfoys'. Draco had sent Ginny and Hermione twenty million texts, and Ginny had sighed, forcing Blaise to come and pick up Draco's clothes.
"No, go away!" Ginny exclaimed when Blaise tried to peek into the room. "You can see at the gala."
"Fine," Blaise groused, Disapparating. Hermione giggled and Ginny waved her arms around.
"We must make haste! Fifteen minutes to go. Okay, you put yours on but don't look!"
"How can I not look if I have to put it on?"
"I don't know, that's your problem," Ginny said, turning to get her own dress.
Hermione slipped into the dress, doing her best not to ruin her hair or look at the silky material. She covered her eyes until she heard Ginny pull up her zipper and exclaim, "Holy shit! Okay, you can look."
Hermione uncovered her eyes, looking into the full-length mirror that hung on the back of their bedroom door. She was speechless.
"Pansy made me this?"
"Yeah, of course," Ginny said. "You're gorgeous, Mione." She paused. "Well, I can't see, but you always are."
Pansy had crafted her a beautiful golden gown that flowed to the ground in a cascade of shimmering glitter. It glittered and swished with her every move as if she were standing on an ethereal cloud. Hermione was speechless, staring at her reflection. Ginny had done her hair and makeup perfectly, even hanging a dainty golden necklace around her neck.
"Gin, you look amazing too."
Ginny wore a gown of deep green, the exact color of her eyes. Pansy knew Ginny's angles and worked to fit them perfectly. She was incredible, really, Pansy.
"Thanks, but no time. We're going to be late."
"Oh, shit, you're right."
"Here, I'll Apparate you."
Hermione appreciated the gesture- Ginny had remembered the difficulty that magic took her.
A moment later they stood outside the gates of the Malfoy Manor. Blaise was waiting for them. "You look nice," he offered Hermione, but his eyes were glued to Ginny. Hermione laughed, shaking her head.
"Where's Draco?"
"Inside. Helping Pansy with something," Blaise said, still watching Ginny. She smiled.
"I'll go in. You two... have your moment," Hermione said quickly, walking away. Neither of them paid her any mind.
She ran into Luna after walking through the door. "Gee, Mione, you're stunning."
"So are you!" Hermione exclaimed. Luna did look beautiful with a floor-length blue gown with embellishments reminiscent of a peacock, hair pinned up with a swirl of colorful feathers.
Luna smiled gently. "Pansy and Draco are in the ballroom. Narcissa said that she wanted to see you in the garden when you got here."
"Oh, right now? I'd better not keep her waiting."
Luna nodded, patting her arm before Hermione made her way to the garden. Narcissa's garden was a beautiful thing, filled with the flowers that were her namesake.
Narcissa herself sat in the gazebo, her cream-colored gown pooling around her in gentle ripples, like a still lake. She looked up as Hermione approached, a smile spreading across her face. "You look lovely, dear."
"As do you," Hermione said, sitting across from her. "Luna said that you wanted to see me."
"That I did," Narcissa said. "Did Draco ever tell you the origin of my garden?" she asked, looking around at the blooms illuminated in the scarce dusk light.
"No," Hermione answered.
"After the war, we were ruined. Everything was gone. This whole house reminded me of the Dark Lord, seeing my son collapsed on the ground. Harry Potter, dead in Hagrid's arms. The castle on fire. Your screams. My own sister, torturing them out of you." She looked down. Hermione swallowed thickly.
"Lucius tried everything that he could. He changed the colors of the walls, redecorated, renovated. It made it better, but never... as much as it was. Before. You know what I mean, dear. You of all people would know, I think."
"I do," Hermione said, thinking of her parents.
"Finally he set up this garden. He was trying anything at that point, I think, and he just wanted me to be happy. Truly happy. He was the one who planted the narcissas, by hand. He showed it to me and he was so proud."
She tilted her head. "He hadn't known that my mother had always taken us into the garden every day when I was a child, my sisters and I, and something about that pulled me out of the darkness."
Hermione nodded. Narcissa said, "I am lucky to have someone who would do something like that for me. Hermione, I would like to thank you."
"Me?" she blinked.
"Yes, you," Narcissa said with a little smile. "You did- you were prepared to give your life for my son."
Hermione shook her head. "Of course, Draco means everything to me."
Narcissa's smile grew wider. "And you to him. Believe me, I have never seen him the way that he is around you."
"Speak of the devil," Narcissa said, nodding toward the entrance of the garden. "I think that's your cue."
"Thank you."
"Thank you."
"Hermione!" Draco called again. Hermione held Narcissa's gaze for one moment longer before walking back down the path. Draco had gone inside to wait for her, and when she stepped through the door, he pulled her into his arms.
"Hi, my love," Hermione said with a laugh. Draco smiled softly.
"You are so beautiful."
Hermione smacked him gently but beamed. "You look very handsome."
"Well, thank you," he said with a grin, offering her his hand. She took it with a grin, and they walked down the hall together.

The gala was in full swing, laughter and music filling the air. It was almost midnight, and Ginny was almost drunk. Maybe Pansy too. Draco and Hermione were on the dance floor, spinning for what seemed like hours.
"I talked to your mum earlier," Hermione said.
"I saw. What were you talking about?"
"She was telling me about how your father planted the garden for her," Hermione said.
Draco raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"
"She thanked me for saving you," she paused. "And she told me that I meant a lot to you."
Draco stopped. Hermione looked at him in alarm, as they were in the middle of the dance floor. The music was still playing, but as she looked around, she realized that all of the witches and wizards had cleared off, standing around the fringes of the room. The music crescendoed, then dropped to a more gentle tune.
"Draco?" she asked. The ballroom was quiet, and she kept her voice low. "What's happening?"
"Hermione," Draco said. "You do mean a lot to me. You mean everything to me."
Hermione looked at him. He continued, "You have made me a better person in every single way, ever since we were back at Hogwarts- and you continue to every day. You make me so happy, Hermione Granger, and that is why I would like to ask you a question."
Hermione inhaled sharply as he dropped to one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket in one smooth motion. "Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will- yes!" she exclaimed, her eyes misting over. Draco smiled widely, sliding the pretty band onto her ring finger. The room erupted into applause, the midnight bell tolling, Ginny screaming over everyone. Hermione hugged him close, so happy that she could burst. He held her close to his chest, his arms tight around her. "I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you too," she replied, happy tears streaking down her cheeks. He drew back and smiled at her.
"You're my forever," he said gently, before kissing her.

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