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They all flooed to the Ministry the next morning, faces set in grim expressions. Harry watched Hermione with concern- she looked exhausted. He had better make sure she slept well tonight.

Astoria was startled at the group of people that filed into her office, even more so as Narcissa and Lucius trailed behind. She set the paper she was reading aside and folded her hands in front of her. "This is certainly unexpected. What can I do for you?"

"Draco's being held hostage by Abraxas Waten and Natalia Lestrange and we need to get him back," Pansy burst out. Astoria's eyebrows rose, and she leaned forward.

"You are telling me that Abraxas Waten, a Ministry employee, has gone rogue," she said.

"Yes," Blaise butted in impatiently.

"Well, I believe you. Bloody stupid of them to hire him in the first place," Astoria said briskly, running a hand through her perfectly curled blond hair. "Draco's being held hostage, you say?"

"I have an account of everything that happened," Hermione interrupted, dropping it onto Astoria's desk with a loud thud, making Ginny jump in surprise. Blaise touched her arm.

"Thank you, that's very helpful," Astoria said. "We'll be able to get him back much faster."

Astoria read the book more quickly than Harry would have been able to, and said, "So Tilly the house-elf helped you out? Wise of you not to send her back in. She is definitely in danger."

Hermione nodded. Astoria said, "You all know where it is- well, can Apparate there?"

"Yes," Hermione said. "I can only assume that he's put up Anti-Apparation shields."

Astoria nodded. "Makes sense. I think the best course of action would be searching the houses in that area so you could identify them. All of you could, correct?"

"Ah, no-" Blaise started.

"Not me," Ginny said. Astoria looked at her. "Natalia blinded me."

"Oh, Merlin," Astoria muttered. "All right. I'll get this case to the Aurors-"

She paused. "-whose Head is in this room. Harry, can you gather your people?"

"Absolutely," Harry replied. Then in a lower tone to Hermione, "You okay without me?"

She gave him a look and he nodded. "Right. I'll be going."

Astoria watched this exchange with a small smile, then said, "Hermione, would you accompany me to inform the Minister of this? I'm sure he'll be eager to help."

"Of course," Hermione said, chin lifted. She and Astoria left the office with promises that they would return soon.

Ginny fidgeted in her seat, and Blaise said, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm bloody okay! I didn't realize moving around was a crime!" she shouted. Blaise flinched, taken aback. Luna watched the exchange carefully. She knew how to handle Ginny's short temper- they had been as close as Harry and Hermione.

"I'm sorry," Ginny said, hanging her head. "I shouldn't snap at you. I'm just on edge- I never would have thought I'd be blind, of all things."

"It's okay, Gin. We're all feeling it, and I don't blame you." He took her hand, and she closed both of hers around his. Narcissa smiled and leaned over to Lucius.

"Imagine if we were that good at ending arguments when we were younger." He scoffed, and Narcissa laughed.


"Are you doing alright?"

Hermione startled. She had been lost in her own thoughts, and Astoria's question pulled her suddenly out of it. "Sorry- yes. I'm doing okay, just tired."

"I'd imagine. You pulled that whole account together very quickly. You're very resourceful," Astoria said.

Hermione smiled. "Thank you. I try my best."

Astoria smiled back. "I'm certain that we'll be able to fix this in no time at all- Draco can hold on. He's a strong one."

"Yes, he is," Hermione said quietly. They lapsed into silence, broken only by the ding of the elevator arriving to the Minister's floor.


"We explained everything to Kingsley. Harry's got all his Aurors ready- we're moving in an hour."

"Merlin," Ginny breathed. "We're really doing this."

"We'll be just fine," Luna said resolutely.

Pansy and Theo were in the corner. Pansy looked as if she were about to break down, and Theo gripped her shoulders, giving her a pep talk. Hermione had already insisted that she didn't have to come, but she wouldn't be left behind.

Luna, Blaise, Ginny and Hermione each had temporary wands given to them by the Ministry. Hermione had tried to Accio their own to her using wandless magic, but they didn't come. Either locked up or destroyed, hopefully the former.

About to walk out the door an hour later, Hermione paused. Narcissa was talking quietly to Tilly, who was sniffling. "Tilly, would you like to stay on here? You would be free to do as you please."

"No, that is the very nicest of you maam of course! But I is not to be working for free."

Narcissa looked frustrated, but didn't push it. Hermione gently closed the door.

It was time.

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