Chapter 2

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Jeongyeon POV

Too see Nayeon and her friends fighting 4 More girls..

I can see how they are badly bruised..I then look at Nayeon seeing alot of bruises on her..I don't know why I felt my blood boil when I saw her like that

I quickly go to them.."hey..stop what your doing"I said coldly as I walk towards them..they look at me and I remain my cold Poker Face.."What are you gonna do huh? There are four of us" the cat looking girl said smirking then pushed Nayeon..

I smirk again even if they are girls I can't let them hurt others even if Nayeon and her friends bully me..I kinda hate them for that but I don't know what got into me..

They charge at me about to punch me and I quickly hold her hand using my super strength and flip her..I dodge their punches using my super speed and then kick them..."WE ARE NOT DONE WITH YOU THREE YET!! JUST YOU WAIT!"

They then ran away Leaving me with them..I took a last look at them with my cold face..I was about to walk away.. "Wait!"a voice shouted..I Look to see the hamster Looking girl coming towards me..

"If your just going to bully me again do it tomorrow because I'm not in the mood"I said coldly and she frown..I then walk away leaving them..

I Don't really know why I let them bully me but if I see them bully anyone of my friends I won't ever forgive them..

I don't really know why I saved them my body was doing it without my permission..This is the first time I felt like this and I very confused..

Nayeon POV

We were attacked by a group named BLACKPINK and it's because we stole their fans or whatever..

I was attacked by their leader which is Jennie..Kim Jennie..I tried to punch her but she's too strong and she always dodge my attack..

We then heard someone.. "hey..stop what your doing"a male voice said coldly. we look at the him to realize it's The boy who we bullied yesterday..

"What are you gonna do huh? There are four of us"She said smirking then push me..I fell on the ground and the girls help me..I was Watching them fight. I was surprised when he flip Jennie..

I was wondering why he let us bully him when he was so strong..

"Are you okay Nayeon unnie?"Mina asked me..I nod and saw sana staring at the boy.."he's so cool. I wonder why he let us bully him while he's that strong and fast"she question.."I was thinking about that too"Momo said..


He then Look at us coldly and was about to walk away..I was about to call him.."Wait!"sana shouted and walk towards him..he look at sana coldly.."if your just going to bully me again do it tomorrow because I'm not in the mood"he coldly say and walk away..we Frown of what he said..

"I think we should stop bullying him unnie"Mina said and the others nod..

"Ok so let's go now we need to treat our bruises"I said coldly and we walk towards our house..

we live together because our parents work together and they decided to let us live together because they will be working overseas..

They treat their bruises while me still staring at the wall thinking about that boy..I don't know but since today I can't stop thinking about him..

"Earth To Nayeon..I don't know what's so interesting about the wall that you keep looking at it"Momo said and they Laugh..I just glare at them.."Ok now let's just go to sleep"I said coldly..

"Tsk still cold as ice.."I heard sana said..I ignore it and went to bed still thinking about that boy..

-To Be Continue-

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