Chapter 18

897 44 15

Jeongyeon POV

"It's Im Nayeon" I mumbled underneath my Breath.. But unfortunately He didn't hear it..

"Huh? I couldn't hear yo-"


Tae was cut off by a Phone Vibrate.. I Look at my Phone but it's not Vibrating.. He Took Out his Phone to see a Message..

"Who is that?" I asked since I saw 'Cutie Rabbit' on it..


I Gasp.. "is that your Girlfriend?!" I asked shocked Because I Knew Kookie has a Crush on Tae.. He didn't say anything but it's Obvious.. My Bro is just Dense..  "N-no I-its Just a Friend!" He said Blushing Madly..

I Look at him suspiciously.. "rEaLlY?" I asked suspiciously.. "Okay! Okay! I may have a crush on someone" He Said Looking away..

"Cutie Rabbit huh?" I said Teasingly assuming it was Jungkook since Kookie hyung Looks Like one..

"Yah!" He said Smacking me making me pout.. "so who is it ey?" I said making him Look like a Tomato..

"It's Im Nayeon" He said making me Froze.. I Felt my heart stop..

"Hey Kyung you okay?" He asked having his hands on my face.. I Look at him.. He then Widen his Eyes.. "Wait don't Tell Me you Like her too?!" He asked Making me Panic..

My heart tells my to say Yes but my Mind tells the opposite.. I don't know if I Lie and say No or Tell the Truth saying yes..

I decided to say Ye-


I said unconsciously.. I was supposed to say Yes! What the heck.. he Look at me and Nod.. "Your her Classmate Right?! Please help me Please " He begged me and Me Being me says yes..

[Few days Later]

I've been avoiding Nayeon Because I want to Move on so I won't hurt Tae.. But I can't because she Keeps Talking to me and I just ignore her..

It was Lunch time and I was walking towards The Cafeteria.. But Luck wasn't on my side.. She was there Waiting for me..

Sigh.. here she goes again.. "Hey Kyungwan-shi!" She talked but I ignore her.. "Yah! Stop ignoring me!" She said and I Just walk pass her..

[Skip after Class] (authornim is Lazy)

I got out of our Classroom and here She goes again.. "Yah Kyungwan-shi why are you ignoring me?" She asked..

I just keep walking and she keeps talking to me.. I got Very Annoyed..

"Yah please tal-" I cut her off.. "YAH WILL YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE?!! IF I DON'T WANT TO TALK DON'T FORCE ME!!! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO FREAKING ANNOY ME 24/7 HUH?!!" I snapped at her..

I then saw tears on her eyes.. I realize what I said.. My eyes soften.. "No I-I didn't-" I didn't get to finish what I said when she Ran away..

I want to go after her but my legs Can't Move.. I Feel Very Guilty Right Now.. I got carried away by my emotions That I Snapped.. I was thinking about My situation but I got very annoyed when she Keep Talking to me.. I'm so disappointed at myself..

I fell on my Knees.. I couldn't control my emotions anymore.. Tears Falling endlessly from my eyes as I Punch the Ground repeatedly..

But I then Feel Someone's hand on my shoulder.. I didn't bother to Look up.. I couldn't care Less.. I just hurt Nayeon.. I just hurt The Love of my life.. it's Just Like hurting myself..

"You Can't Just cry you know.. you need to Apologize.. Crying isn't Really Gonna solve anything bro" I Look up to see.. Choi Yena..

He kneel down to me.. "Bro Just to tell you.. giving up isn't the best choice when it comes to Love.. You need to Fight for your Love.."He said patting my back.. "B-but I don't want my Friend to get hurt" I Said stuttering..

"Well We gotta do what we gotta do.. Sorry bro but I need to go.. Joyul might Kill me if I'm Late" He said standing up and walk away..

To be honest.. I still didn't get what he meant by 'we gotta do what we gotta do' after a couple of minutes..

I finally get it.. I stood up and Ran to find Nayeon.. 'if I were Im Nayeon where would I go?' I thought..

I then thought about The Park.. I Ran as fast as I can Towards The Park..

But I was Too Late..

She was There already Crying while Tae Comforting her..

I felt my Heart Broke..

-To Be Continue-

Yow what's up.. It's been awhile right? Sorry for not updating for so long guys.. I've been Really busy..

And I have a New Book out!

And I have a New Book out!

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