Chapter 17

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Jeongyeon POV

I got shocked when Nayeon suddenly pull my nape and kiss me Passionately even Jihyo is shocked..

But for some reason I Kinda Liked The Kiss.. Her Lips is as soft as a marshmallow making me want to Kiss he- WAIT What The Hell am I thinking?! We didn't even met yet!..

She then pulled away... I'm very red right now since I'm very Flustered and embarrassed.. my body Can't Move properly.. she Look at me smiling sweetly.. "W-why did you kiss me?" I asked her..

She was about to answer when.. Jihyo pulled her Leaving me dumfounded..

My Heart Beating Rapidly.. Butterflies on my stomach.. "What is happening to me?"I mumbled to myself.. I walk To my Class still having my Red Face..

Nayeon POV

"Nayeon Unnie.. does that mean Jeongyeon is still alive?!"Jihyo asked shocked.. well I told her the Dream I had yesterday..

"I think so too Jihyo-yah.. I won't give up finding him!"I said and she nod.. "Don't worry Nayeon Unnie we're with you.. We're here for you if you Need help"She said making my heart Touch.. 'I don't deserve Friends like them.. I'm very Grateful that they stayed by my side' I thought and smile.. I was about to talk when..

"Jihyo-yah!"a familiar voice shouted.. we Look at the source of voice and I was Shocked.. My eyes widen and my mouth open.. "J-Jeongyeon?"I mumbled under my breath..

I didn't hear what they talk about Because My mind can't Think Right.. He then Look at me and was shock Tears form on the corner of my eyes.. Looking at him.. "are you Im Nayeon?" He asked shocked..

Jihyo Look at us Confused.. "You know her?"she asked.. He was about to answer but I can't hold it anymore..

I hug him Tightly.. Tears Falling on my cheeks.. Tears of Joy.. I broke The hug Smiling but he Look at me Confused..

I suddenly grab his nape and kiss him passionately.. I miss him so much.. his Lips is so soft.. I then pulled away.. I smile sweetly at him.. "W-why did you kiss me?" His face was so Red..

I was about to Confess since I didn't have the chance to say 'I Love you' to him but Jihyo pulled me Leaving him Dumfounded..

She drag me on the school Garden.. "Yah! Why did you do that?!"She said.. I look at her Confused.. "what do you mean why did I do that? I miss him so much and you know it!"I said..

"He is Not Yoo Jeongyeon his name is Yoo Kyungwan!"She said making me Froze.. 'that's why he knew me.. because we were chat mates and he knew my Face Because of my Profile.. Not Because he's Jeongyeon that's why he knew me already' I thought..

"Nayeon you have to apologize to him"Jihyo said and I nod but something pop on my mind..

'in our chat he said I was the girl on his dreams.. why would he dream of me?.. is it possible that He is Jeongyeon but he just Lost his memories? And he's Dreams are part his Memories?'

My Thoughts we're Cut off by Jihyo shaking me.. "Are you listening to me?"she said and I Look at her seriously.. "Jihyo he is my Chat mate that's why he knew me and on our chat he said I was the girl from his dreams is it possible that he is Jeongyeon but he Lost his memories?" I asked her and she think deeply..

"It Does Make sense.. in Your dream That stranger said it too that your Lover Lost his memories!"She exclaimed.. "but Let's Not assume Things Yet.. Let's observe him First if he's really Jeongyeon because it would be embarrassing if He wasn't really The Jeongyeon we Know.."I said to her..

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