Chapter 19

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Nayeon POV

"Yah please tal-"


I froze.. I process what he just said and I Felt my heart broke into pieces.. Tears Threatening to Fall on my eyes but I hold it in.. I can't think properly.. I didn't saw his reaction since I was deep into my thoughts..

He said something but I couldn't hear it.. I can't hear anything.. I ran away while the tears that we're threatening to fall already Fell.. Tears Falling nonstop while I wipe it using my hands.. I didn't know we're I was going.. I let my legs Lead my way..

I then realized.. I was in the park.. The Park where we hang out Last time..

I sat on a nearby bench and continue crying.. I keep thinking.. What did I do wrong?.. I Shouldn't have annoy him, this is all my fault.. I'm such an idiot.. Should I apologise?..

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice someone approach me..


I Look up to see Taehyung Looking at me with worried eyes.. "Are you Okay?" He asked.. I quickly Wipe my tears and straighten my back..

"Ah yes I'm f-fine" I tried my best to sound okay but I failed.. My voice Cracked.. he sat beside me and rub my back.. "you don't have to act strong Nayeon-a I know your not okay.. C'mon you can tell me your problem.. you can trust me.. I won't judge you and I can give you advice.. but if your not comfortable sharing it with me yet.. I can wait.. just remember.. I'll here by your side.." He said softly making me feel comfortable and Relaxed.. I stayed quiet thinking deeply if I should tell him or not..

"It feels like I'm giving a speech"

He suddenly said.. we Look at each other.. and then Laugh.. after a good 1 Minute we stopped..

"It feels good making you laugh" He said and I Look at him.. I smile Warmly.. "Thank you" I said..

He Look at me and smile back.. "that's No Problem" he said.. "I'll Tell you" I said.. "are you sure? If your not ready yet.. Don't Force yourself" He said..

"I know that I can trust you.." I said and told him everything but I didn't say Jeong- I mean Kyungwan's Name..

I started Crying again.. He pat my Back.. "It's Not Your Fault if you just want to Talk to him.. C'mon Cheer up!" He said making weird Faces Making me giggle and smile slightly..

"I actually.. Have something to Confess" He suddenly said.. I Look at him waiting for him to talk..

"I-I actually L-like you.. You were my First Crush.. But I know you Love someone else"

I froze.. 'he Likes me?.. but I don't Feel The same.. I'm sorry Tae' I thought and sigh.. "I'm sorry Tae.. you know I Love someone else" I said and sigh.. I feel Really Bad for him..

"I know That's Why I Confess.. So I can be able to let you go.. I completely understand you.. don't feel bad because I'm okay.." He said and smile warmly at me but the hurt on his eyes are visible.. "I'm so sorry Tae.. I hope you can Find someone Who can Love you.. Your a very nice guy and a very good friend so It's Not really hard for someone to fall for you" I said and we Hug each other Tightly.. I felt so bad..

We then broke it.."But Can I ask a Favor?" he asked and I nod immediately.. "Can I know who The person you love?" He asked Hesitantly.. I nod.. "it's Yoo Kyungwan" I said making him froze..

"Hey Tae you okay?" I asked worriedly.. "uh yes.. I am.. Kyungwan is actually My Friend.. we live together.." He said making me widen my eyes and Mouth agape in shock..

"Jjinja?!!" I asked and he nod..

"If kyungwan hurt you Then I'll take you Away from him" he said jokingly and Laugh.. I hit him Playfully and Giggle..

"But seriously tho.. if kyungwan hurt you.. I swear I'll burn him alive.. How dare he hurt someone precious Like you" he said jokingly Making me giggle again..

We talk for about half an hour and we realized it's getting late so we bid goodbye to each other..

Taehyung POV

We bid goodbye to each other and Went separate ways.. but The smile I had awhile ago Disappeared..

'Nayeon-a I hope your happy with him.. I'm Sincerely Happy for you.. if your happy then I'm happy as well.. I hope you and Kyungwan will love each other forever.. best of Luck to the two of you.. Im Nayeon.. My First Love.. The First one who made my heart beats Fast.. but also the one who made my heart Broken but I Completely understand that You don't Love me back and I won't Force you to Love me Back.. The First one who made me Feel The Word Love at First sight.. we met before but you didn't remember.. I Love you so I'm Now Letting you Go Completely.. is this what they Called 'if you Love someone You have to Learn To Let go' Well it's definitely True.. and It hurts so bad'

I thought while Tears where Falling on my eyes Nonstop.. My heart stinging every time I think of that certain moment..

I was about to enter in our house when my phone rang.. I Look at the Caller Name..


I cleared my throat and wipe the remaining Tears on my eyes before Answering The call..


"Hey Tae- wait are you crying?"

"N-no I'm not.."

"Stop denying! Where are you at?"

"Infront of my apartment"

"Okay! I'll be there"

"No you don't need to I'm Oka-"

"Shut up! I'll be there!"

Before I could answer he Hung up on me.. ugh that stubborn Rabbit!..


Kyungwan POV

I'm in a Forest.. while Tears Falling uncontrollably.. I don't want to see Tae yet.. I don't exactly know where i am.. I'm Lost since I ran away but I didn't know I was that fast..

'this is all my Fault ugh! Your such an idiot Kyungwan! You hear that?! An idiot! If you didn't shout at her She wouldn't Cry!'

I form my hands into fist as I Punch a Tree But I Got shocked when..

-To Be Continue-


Sorry for Not updating for so long.. I know I always say that but Believe me.. I sincerely Apologise for it..

And I decided to unpublished The 'Kpop oneshots' since I'm a Very Busy And a Very Lazy person so I can't handle two books at the same time.. I'm so pathetic right?..

Well if you really did enjoy it please Let me know by Pressing The Star Below 😁❤️


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