Chapter 3

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Jeongyeon POV

I woke up and do my morning routine then go to my car and drove to school..

I saw my friends waiting for me..and I smile and wave at them. They wave back.."hyung! Your Finally here after 5 hours"He said and laugh..

"Yah! What are you talking about it's still early aishh"I said and slap him playfully..we laugh together.."you guys can go first I have to get something from my locker.."I said to them.."Okay Jeongyeon Hyung.. we'll wait for you at class"Tzuyu said.

I nod and they go to class..I was getting my book on my locker then I hear screaming again..I guess it's Nayeon and her friends..I sigh and ignore them..

I went straight into class and saw DaChaeTzu Talking..I then Join Them..

Nayeon POV

I came with my friends and I can Already hear shouting.."wow Nayeon unnie you have alot more fans than we do"sana said and cling to me..I roll my eyes and we split because we are not on the same class..

I then saw the boy that save us yesterday..he look at me for a couple of seconds then look away..

I sigh and sit on my chair waiting for our teacher..

Our teacher arrive.."Okay class so class D will be with us today because their teacher is on vacation so I will be their Temporary Teacher"our teacher said and introduce us to them

I then saw My Friends.."Anyeong Minatozaki Sana is my Name Please Take care of me"She said Brightly..


Jeongyeon POV

I saw Nayeon's Friends there..

"Dude that hamster Looking girl is so cute"Tzuyu said staring at her.."That Penguin Looking one is  cute too and beautiful at the same time"Chae said.."Dude The Raccoon looking girl is so cute"Dahyun said mesmerized by that girl with bangs..

I roll my eyes..'oh please Nayeon is much cuter than the- wait what am I Thinking!! Ugh! Erase! Erase!'I thought and smack my head..

"Yah Hyung what are you doing?! Don't smack your head"Chae said and hold my hand..I then stop.."What we're you thinking?"they asked..

"U-uhh N-Nothing"I said nervously.. "c'mon hyung don't be shy"Tzuyu asked me.."I-I was T-Thinking Of--"I was cut off when the teacher talked..

I sigh in relief.."so Today I will be grouping you by 2"he said and started grouping us.."Okay Dahyun and Momo.. Tzuyu and Sana.. Seulgi and Irene.. Joy and sungjae.."It keeps going and I didn't listen until.."Mina and Chaeyoung.. and lastly Jeongyeon and Nayeon"I widen my eyes in shock..

What.The.Hell. I'm Partner with my Fudging bully..Ugh I hate this teacher..

"So you will be making a Romantic Film With your Partner since I made your group Girl and Boy..Now Class dismissed"He said and go out...

"I Can't Believe it"We all said at the same time..we look at each other then Laugh.."Let's go to The Cafeteria guys.. I'm Hungry~"Dahyun whined..

We are now walking towards the cafeteria..We then saw the girls.."Look guys it's our Partners Let's eat with them"Dahyun said Excitedly..I sigh..

"Hey Guys mind if we join you?"Chae asked.."Yeah sure we don't mind right guys?"Sana said and They Nod..

I sat beside Nayeon and eat my lunch quietly..They were Talking and Laughing..I then feel someone staring at me..I Look to see Nayeon Staring at me..I rise my Left eyebrow..


She took a tissue and wipe my mouth.."there is something on your mouth.."She said coldly..Our face was so close that I feel heat on my face..

"O-Okay T-Thanks"

[Time Skip]

Our class ended and I was Walking outside the school alone since my friends said will hang out with their partners..

I then hear noise again..I quickly go to the Noise To see..

-To Be Continue-

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