Chapter 24

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Jeongyeon POV

"Where not done yet"

Trevor said while smirking evilly at us, The Others fight the robots and I fought Trevor..

I was about to punch but he held my fist firmly about to kick me, I was fast enough to avoid his attack, and I kicked him, he fell but he quickly got up, I shot him a Fire blast, but he suddenly Disappeared..

He appeared on my back about to Hit me but a bullet Stopped him, it hit his back, unfortunately a bullet won't be enough to defeat this crazy devil..

The gun keeps shooting making him fall down, I look to see who was the one who helped me, I was surprised when I saw..


I mutter under my breath, he look at me smiling and then wink, he then turn and shoot the other Robots, I was still in shock that I didn't Notice Trevor behind me..

He put his hand on my shoulder and I suddenly felt an incredible amount of pain inside me, I groan in pain, he just Laugh at me.. "What a weakling!" He said Laughing, dad and the others Where about to help me but he suddenly flick his hand and His Robots grabbed them tightly..

"I told you, you can't beat me Jeongyeon, your Weak! Hear that? Weak just Like your Mother!"

He stated making me burn in anger, Blood Boiling inside me, I kicked him so hard causing him to step backwards, I stood up despite the pain in my body, I Charge Towards him and he smoothly Dodge my Attacks, I was about to Punch again but he Dodge it and held my arm Firmly..

"Do you really think you can beat me? A weakling like you deserves to die!"

He said and Punch me so hard making me hit the ground hardly, I was about to stand up but he stand on my chest making me groan in pain..

He punch me in the Face again but this time harder and He kicked my chest making me Scream in pain..

I was getting weaker and weaker, I don't know why I can no longer use my powers, I struggled to get up but he pushes me deeper causing me to groan in pain..


Nayeon begged with tears Falling nonstop same with the others, I smile weakly at her.. "Aww begging now?" He mocked and then Laugh, he grab my collar, he Lift me up, "Wondering why you can't use your powers? Psh I already took it" he said before punching me again making my face bleed.. "STOP PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM!!" Nayeon and my dad shouted while the others are just watching them with tears falling from their eyes, I look at them and smile weakly 'I'll be Okay I Love you all' I mouthed to them making them cry even more..

"Oh what a drama, too bad I hate watching dramas so Let's end this!" He said about to Fire me with my very own power, I close my eyes to accept my Fate..

But I didn't feel anything, I open my eyes to see myself on a very bright place, everything around me is white.. "am I dead? Am I in heaven?" I asked myself.. "No, it's not your time yet Jeongyeon" I heard a very Familiar Voice, I saw a women coming towards me, She Looks Like me, she's Like a Girl version of myself, that's when It hit me, it's..

"M-mom?" I asked with tears falling in my eyes, she just smile at me and kneel down me, she pat my head.. "you have grown my child, I'm here to tell you, be strong, don't give up, Don't let Trevor win, my son, I'll be right here watching over you" She said smiling at me, I hugged her Tightly.. "Umma I Never got a chance to see you, I'm happy even for a moment I get to see you, I'll miss you Umma, I'll be strong, I won't let them win umma" I said determined to win for my mom, she smile softly at me.. "That's my son Now go get them make Umma proud, I'll always Look out for you my son, I Love you" She said and kiss my Forehead..

I smile with tears still in my eyes.. "I love you too Umma" I said and she walk away Leaving me.. 'I'll make you proud mom, I'll do my best to win this Battle not only for you, also for dad, Nayeon and the others'

I open my eyes, and this time my eyes were Bright Yellow, I moved away before he blast me, He was surprised seeing my Yellow eyes, I smirk.. "H-how? I already t-took your powers?!!" He said angrily.. I didn't respond and Charge straight to him making him off guard..

I was as fast as the speed of Light.. I punch and kick him in the air and slam him back down, I can see in the corner of my eye All of them are shock, He threw fire on me but I Dodge it, my eye change again into Bright Red, I blast him with a red Lightning, and we continue to fight, I disappeared and re-appeared i his back and Stab him with my Red Electric sword, he groan in pain and after that he disappeared and also his Robots Disappeared..

I then slowly stand on the ground.. My head getting really Dizzy, My vision getting blurry, The Last thing I saw was them coming towards me and then everything went black..

[Days Later]

I slowly open my eyes to see myself on an unfamiliar Room, I look around and saw White Walls, white ceiling, that's when I realized I was in the Hospital.. I saw The door opened and The guys including my dad ran towards me, I smile at them..

"My son are you Okay now?"

"Ne I'm okay now appa"

"Broo I'm happy your okay!"Chae happily said and hugged me, The other hugged me, they asked me how I am and I said I'm Okay..

But I Noticed someone Missing.. "Guys where is Nayeon Unnie?" I asked and they just stayed silent.. "Uhm hyung are you hungry? We bought food.." Tzuyu asked changing the Topic, I remain still, "Guys Tell me honestly, Where.Is.Nayeon.Unnie?!" I said Firmly emphasizing Every word I said, they Just stay quiet while Looking at me with sadness Visible in their eyes..

"why are you guys Looking at me Like that? Tell me where she is please" I pleaded them, Sana suddenly started crying, "we don't know oppa" she said breaking down while Tzuyu comfort her, I was confused..

my heart beating Rapidly..

I was Nervous, I have a very bad feeling about this..

I hope Nothing bad happened..

-to Be Continue-


Sorry again guys for Long update, I always say this and I so sorry about it but don't worry the story is almost over, I'm been having a very hard time lately, I've been having a break watching Videos and reading stories so my Worries and Pain in my heart go away so yeah..

I'm sorry again and I hope you Liked this Chapter!

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