Chapter 4

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Nayeon POV

I was alone today because my friends is going to hang out with their partners..I was about to go home

Until someone grab me and drag me in the school garden..I look to see

Minhyuk my ex..My tears started to fall.."WHAT ARE DOING HERE HUH?!" I Yelled.."Chill babe.."He said and smirk.."Don't Babe Babe me and Tell me what you want?!"I yelled again..

He chuckled.."Don't play hard to get girl..I know you Still Love me"he said confidently..

"After All you did to Me YOU COME BACK LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED?!!"I shouted..He slap me.."Did you really think I Love you huh? I won't Ever Love a Weak ass Bitch Like you"He said and I was about to slap him..

He grabbed my hands and pin me to the wall.."All I ever want is your body but you never gave it"he said

"Now I'm gonna Force you"He said and Laugh evilly..He kissed me forcefully..I tried to get out of his grip.

He then went down my neck and I started crying.."HELP!!"I shouted with all my might..

He slap me.."No one can hear you babygirl"he said until..

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!"a Voice shouted..we Look to see Jeongyeon.

He then pushed me And I continued Crying..

Jeongyeon POV

I felt my Blood boil when I saw Nayeon being Rape by a Fucking Man.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!"I shouted..

He then pushed her and I Punch him in the face..he was about to punch me

But I used my Superspeed and dodge it then I kick his stomach..I grab his collar.."Don't Fucking Dare To Come Near Here ever again"I said then punch him again..he then ran away..

I quickly go to Nayeon to see hear crying broke my heart..

I tried to hug her but.."P-please D-don't T-touch me please"She begged.

I hug her Tightly.."Shh it's okay I'm here Don't worry"I comfort her and she hugged me tightly then after a couple of minutes she fell asleep on my arms..

I carry her in a bridal style and Use my super speed to go to my house..

I Lay her on my bed and watch her sleep.."how can she be so cute when she sleeps"I mumbled while rubbing her hair.."Don't worry Nayeon ah I'll Protect you from Now on.."I whispered and sleep next to her..

[Next Day]

Nayeon POV

I woke up on someone's house..I wonder who took me here..

I then go downstairs to see Jeongyeon cooking Breakfast.."Oh Nayeon ssi your awake..come and join me eat"He said and smile at me..

I Nodded quietly and sit infront of her..I began to eat.."By The way Jeongyeon Thank you for saving me Yesterday"I said in a low Tone..

"It's okay"he said and smile at me..I feel my heart beats fast.."Mind if you tell me who that guy is? It's okay if your still Not comfortable with me"He asked me politely.."No it's okay we are friends now and drop the ssi.. Sorry for bullying you the other day.."I said in a low Tone..

"Nah it's okay Past is Past"He said and smile at me making me crack a small smile..he was shocked..

Jeongyeon POV

T-that was The first time I saw her smile.."You should smile more it suits you"I said and smile warmly..Her face then turned red..Is she angry at me or is she having a fever or she's Literally Blushing.."Yah why is your Face Red? Are you angry at me?"I asked her and she shook her head.."no I-it's Just Hot here"She said fanning herself..

"So want me to take you home?"I asked her.."No I'm Okay. I don't want to bother you. You already had done enough.."She said Shyly..Wow I Never Knew she have a soft spot. I Only knew that she was Cold and badass. Maybe I should stop Judging a person by it's Cover..

"Jeong? Hello. You there"She asked as she wave her hand on my face.."Oh Yes. Yes what were you saying?"I asked her..

"I said I'm going to go now"She asked me.."I'll Take you home and I don't take No as an answer"I said and smile at her..I took her hand and guide her to my car..

We arrive at her house and she go inside..I quickly use my super speed to Change to my uniform and go back to Nayeon's house and wait for her..

I then saw her open the door shock to see me still here.."Let's go to school Together"I said and smile brightly..

She's with her Friends.."Oh Jeongyeon Oppa what are you doing here?"Mina asked me.."here to pick you girls up"I said and wink at her..

I then feel someone glaring at me..I look to see.. Nayeon glaring at me..

"What?"I asked..She Look away..

"How did you even Change so Fast?" She asked me curiously.."That's for me to keep and for you to Find out"I said and wink at her..she then blush..

[Time Skip]

We then arrive at the school and I quickly go to my class before Nayeon's Fans Find me..

Then the girl go in the classroom and I can see Nayeon's Cold Face.. I can't erase when she smile for the first time ugh it's so cute she's so Beauti- wait what the heck am I Thinking..

The teacher arrive and started the class but I keep staring at Nayeon. I don't Really know why.. She was about to Look at me but I Look away..

[Lunch Time]

I was about to go to the cafeteria but..

"Uhh J-Jeong C-can you accompany me to the cafeteria?"Nayeon asked Nervously which I found cute..

"Yeah sure don't be Nervous Nayeon ah"I said and smile at her..

We go to the cafeteria together to Find our friends are eating together too.. We walk towards them.."Yah Guys You ate without me?"I said and pout.. "Don't do that hyung your not cute" Chae said and they Laugh..

Nayeon POV

He looks so cute when he pout ahh my heart can't take it..I admit it I Like Jeongyeon but I know he doesn't feel the same..

"Guys can you help us for the film?" Jeongyeon asked them and they Nod..

I Look at him clueless.."Oww you look cute when you're clueless Nayeon ah haha it's about the Romantic Film silly"He said pinching my cheeks..

I then feel heat on my face I Look to the girls to see them smirking at me and I glare at them.."By the way Jeong we're Really sorry for bullying you that day"They said.."It's okay Past is Past and besides you guys are friends with my friends so it all okay"He assure them and smile..

"Jeong~~ Feed me pwease~"sana said acting cute..What is this snake doing!! Tryna steal my Boy huh? Then 2 can play that game.."No buy me food Jeongyeon Pwease~~"I started acting cute which is rare it's been awhile since I act cute to someone..

I saw his face Red.."U-Uhh Okay"He said and go to buy me food..I then Glare at sana.."What are you Trying to do huh?"I asked her seriously..

"Woah, woah, woah Calm down I was just messing with you.."she Laugh Nervously..

"You Better or else.."I went to close to her.."I'll steal Tzuyu away from you" I whisper in her ear making her gulp..

Jeongyeon then came back with food in his hands.."here you go Nayeon ah" I smile warmly at him and again it's been awhile since I smile..

"Wow Jeong You really change Nayeon unnie it's been awhile since I saw that smile.."Momo said shock..

"Oww you have bunny teeth so cute"Jeongyeon said pinching my cheeks again..I was blushing madly..

"Jeong! It's been awhile"a voice said..

-to Be Continue-

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