Chapter 23

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Nayeon POV

We we're on the middle of training when suddenly called me.. I stopped what I'm doing and pick up my phone to see a unknown number..

I was hesitating to answer it or not.. I made up my mind and decided to pick it up..


"Is this Im Nayeon?"

"Yes who are you?"

"You'll know soon but Let me tell you this.. Trevor, has commanded his robots to come after you so Be careful"

"How can I know if your telling the truth?"

"Believe me or not It's your choice, I'm just warning you"

Before I can speak he hang up on me.. what the Heck was that?.. I was about to tell the others about what I heard when suddenly..

The door open showing two Guys.. "Where is Im Nayeon, Tell now" the tall one said emotionlessly.. "it's me, why?" I asked Confused.. They walk towards me and grabbed me harshly..

(Robot Z is tall, Robot B is smaller than Robot Z,)

But before they grab me out of the room Tzuyu block them and attack the Tall guy.. I got out of the grip and also Fight the small one..

I went to punch but There body is hard as metal Like they were a Robo- Oh My Gosh What the Caller said is true?! That these guys are robots?!

"Gosh why in the world is his body so hard like it was made of metal?!" Tzuyu, Dahyun and Chae struggled attacking the tall guy I sign them to help me and they did.. I went back and Grab the water hose.. I then went back and spray it to them.. The Guys which I assume we're Robots Self destruct Because of the water I sprayed on them..

The others widen there eyes.. "These guys were Robots?!" They exclaimed at the same time.. "Yeah I Think so, Someone called me and said that Trevor commanded robots to come after me" I said.. "Why didn't you tell us sooner!" Chae Yelled.. "Yah! I was about to tell you guys but the Robots came!" I said Yelled back..

"Okay² Don't Fight guys!, Let's just continue training!" Jihyo said making us calm and apologize to each other..

We then continue our training.. and after that we discuss our plans..


Trevor's POV

Why aren't they coming back? Don't tell me they manage to fight my Robots?! Ugh this stupid Im Nayeon and her Friends are getting on my nerves.. Just wait.. I'll make you suffer if it's the last thing I'll do..

I activated all of my Robots and command them to destroy everything they see except The lair..

Nayeon POV

We are now going to Trevor's lair but we suddenly hear screams and shouts for help, we quickly went to the sound.. when we got there we saw a Man laying on the ground and buildings broken..

We went to the man and asked him what happened.. "T-there's r-real life Robots who attacked us a-and destroyed our s-store" he said weakly and passed out..

I was about to stand up.. "Nayeon Unnie watch out!" Sana suddenly Shouted.. and I duck down and saw a laser flew past me..

I turn around and saw the guys fighting a Robot.. they knock down the robot and we suddenly heard a voice.. "well, well, well if it isn't Im Nayeon with her Stupid Friends" We heard an deep evil voice said..

We look back to see.. Jeongyeon with his eyes red and also red hair with a smirk on his lips.. I recognize the Voice which is..


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