Chapter 12

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Nayeon POV

I woke up in a very Dark Room.. I tried to move but to Realize I'm Tied up on a chair.. I Look To see if someone is there but I didn't see anyone.. I can't scream either because of the Tape on my mouth..

I then hear a door opened.. "Oh Your Awake?"a very Familiar Voice was heard.. I can't see the Person clearly but It's a Tall guy..

He then turn on the Lights and I realized I'm in Some kind of Basement.. I Look at the guy and I widen my eyes To Realized..

It's MINHYUK!.. "Miss me Princess?" He said Smirking.. I wiggle and Tried to untie the rope but it only Got worse

"You can't escape anymore Princess" He said walking close to me and He grab my chin Tightly.. "Now that Your Night and shining armor is not around I can Finally Get you all to myself"He said Laughing Evilly..

I was so scared.. I began shaking.. 'Please someone help me' I thought..

Jihyo POV

Nayeon Unnie is absent today and I don't know why.. I need to ask the girls about this.. It's our Lunch Time and I quickly walk to The Cafeteria..

I Suddenly bump into someone.. "I'm sorry"We apologise at the Same Time.. "it's okay it's my Fault" We said at the same time again.. We Look at each other.. then Laugh.. "I'm Daniel By the way.. Kang Daniel"He introduced himself and lift his hand expecting a Handshake..

I shook his hands.. "Park Jihyo"I said and smile.. "Nice to meet you Jihyo-shi"He said and smile at me.. "we're Friends Now so Drop The Shi"I said smiling at him.. he nod.. "Nice to meet you Daniel.. But I'm in a hurry right now sorry But I gotta go"I said and apologize.. He said 'it's okay' and I quickly go to the guys..

"Guys Have you seen Nayeon Unnie?.. She wasn't in Class.."I said worry in my eyes.. "WHAT?!"They Exclaimed together.. "we Haven't seen her since Yesterday Jihyo unnie"Mina said in a worried tone.. "We Need to Find her! She might Do something Stupid!" Sana said in Panic.. Tzuyu Calming her down.. "Don't Panic We Need To Tell this to the police!"I suggested and they Nodded..

We then Go Back in Class.. But I Can't Focus Knowing Nayeon Unnie is missing.. Something Bad Might Happen.. I know I shouldn't be Thinking that But I can't Help But think about it.. Because Ever since Jeongyeon Left.. she Became Cold again and Suicidal.. What if she's Gonna do something stupid again!.. She's My Only Bestfriend When We were Kids and I promised Jeongyeon To Take Care of her if Ever She won't Survive The Battle...

[After Class]

Class are now over I quickly Pack my things and I was about to Go when.. "Jihyo-yah Why are you in a hurry?" Daniel asked grabbing my wrist stopping me.. "Sorry it's because My Friend is Missing"I said.. "well Maybe I can Help.."He said..

"Are you sure?"I asked and He Nodded then smile at me.. "Let's go?"He asked and I Nod.. We Walk Together and saw The Guys are There..

"Let's go guys.. and by the way meet Kang Daniel my New Friend and Daniel meet The Guys"I introduce them and The guys introduce themselves.. We Then Go to The Police station.. "Excuse me.. sir Our Friend is missing"I said.. "When did you Last saw her?"The Police officer Asked..

We answer all his Questions.. and He decided to Track Nayeon Unnie's Phone.. They then said that they will Call us if they Found The Location.. Unnie Where are you?.. Are You Safe?.. I hope your Not Doing something That Can harm you..

We Bid goodbye to them and Left the Station We Then Bid Goodbye to each others and They Left.. I was about to Go when.. "Jihyo-yah uhm C-can I have your Number?.."He said Nervously.. I was about to speak.. "For Emergency purposes Only!.. I mean.. Yeah, Yeah, so That You can Call me when They found The Location"He said Nervously.. I giggle.."Of course you can.. why are you explaining So much?"I said and smile..

"Uhm Just so you Know.. I don't know maybe your thinking it The wrong way"He said scratching his None itchy Neck and Laugh Nervously.. "Haha Okay Here's My Number.. Gotta go Byee~"I said giving him a piece of paper and Walk away..

I turn my Back at saw him staring at the paper I gave to him while smiling Like an idiot.. I Laugh silently at his Actions.. I Then Continue walking..

I Reached My apartment But I Feel Someone Following me.. I Look Back to see.. Nothing.. Weird.. I'm Getting Creep out so I quickly Get inside and Lock The Door and Window...


Nayeon POV

I was stuck on the Chair for how many hours Now and Minhyuk is still Not Coming Back so I Sigh in Relief..

I then start Wiggling To Get out of The Rope But It's Not working.. I sigh.. I Look around my Surroundings.. To see a Knife.. I Jump to Get Closer.. I'm Not called Bunny For Nothing..

But I stop when The Door Opened.. "What are you Tryna Do huh?"He Asked walking Towards me.. He Then Pulled The Tape off my mouth harshly..I whimpered.. I just Keep Quiet Not Answering his Question.. "What aren't you answering me?.. You Became Mute Now?"He said.. I then Feel a Hard Slap on my Cheeks..

I hiss in pain.. My cheeks are now Stinging.. it hurts.. He then Grab my chin Harshly.. "Your Going to Answer me if I Ask you a question!.. understood?!!"He yelled at me.. I was shaking now.. I Hesitantly Nod My head.. He smirked.. "I know What Your Thinking Princess.. Why I'm Not Fucking you Yet.."He said and Laugh.. I glare at him.. "Be patient Babygirl I'll do it Tomorrow"He said Laughing..

"Sleep Tight Babygirl you'll Need it.. For Tomorrow"He said and wink.. I want to Puke Because of what he did.. He then Walk Out Leaving me alone..

But Sadly He took The Knife with him.. I just Sigh staring at the Sealing Hopelessly..'Please Someone save me.. Jeongyeon if you can hear me up there.. I Love you And I'm sorry..' I Last Thought and Drifted to sleep..

-To Be Continue-

Guys Sorry for Late Update 😬.. I was really busy but I updated it Now Thanks for Supporting My Boring Story!..

I hope You Like this Chapter!.. and if you Like it and want to see more Please Let me know by Pressing The Star Down There...


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