Chapter 5

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Jeongyeon POV

"Jeong! It's been awhile"a voice said and we look to see a familiar girl..wait

"JIHYO?!"I shouted shocked..she Nodded and smile.."Didn't you Miss me?"She asked and I quickly Hug her tightly.."I miss you so much!"I said to her..she giggled..

"Guys this is Park Jihyo my Childhood best friend"I said smiling brightly..

"Oh wait.. Girls? You guys are here too??"she asked and they Nodded.."Oh you you knew them?"I asked her and she Nodded.."Wow Nayeon Unnie You change!!"She said hugging Nayeon..

"Yeahh Jeongyeon Oppa Change her hahaha"Momo said Laughing.."Oh really?"Jihyo asked Looking at me..

"What? I didn't Do Anything.."I said to them..and I can see Nayeon's Face Turn red..I think she's Mad at them hahaha..

[Time Skip]

Chaeyoung POV

I going to ask Mina to hangout with me hehe because if you don't know I Like her and I don't know if she feels the same so I'm Trying to win her heart haha..

"Mina Noona do You want to hang out with me"I asked her Nervously and she smile at me.."Of course I will, where are we going?"She asked me..

I dragged her to my car and drove off without saying anything..

We then arrive at the mall!!.."Wanna watch a movie?"I asked her with my dimple smile.."Yeah sure"She said smiling at me...

We then watch movies and it was horror..we were watching but she was shaking so I hold her hand..

She then look at me and I smile at her..a ghost suddenly appears from the screen causing her to jump and hug me tightly..My heart was beating incredibly fast and my face is Red as a Tomato..

She then realized it and pull away.. "O-oh I-I'm sorry I was Just scared"She said blushing.."No it's okay"I said to her.. then the movie ended..

We decided to go to the arcade to play some games..She tries the claw machine and Fails..I saw her so sad so I decided to try it to..

Then I got it in one try.."Here you go"I said as I gave her the Tiger Cub Plush..

"It Looks just Like you!!"she exclaimed..I blush at her comment..

After that we went to eat and then go to the nearest Park..

"U-uhh Mina.. I have to tell you something.."I said Nervously..

"What is it?"She asked me smiling.."I-I Love you when I first saw you..a-and I Know you don't feel the same"I said and she was shock and silent..

Mina POV

I was shocked by his sudden confession..I tried to process everything.."C-Chae I--"I didn't complete what I said..

"I knew it! You don't Like me back"He said bitterly.."NO I-"he cut me off again.."I'm such a fool for hoping you will like me back.. Please Forget I said Anything"He said And Walk away..

I want to go after him but I can't do it.. Ugh I'm so stupid I should've Told him I like him too..maybe tomorrow...

I then walk home with a heavy heart..

[Next Day]

Chaeyoung POV

I noticed that Mina Noona is still not here I asked the other girls..

"I thought she already came here because We were so late.."Nayeon said making me worry.."I'll go to your house to check up on her"I said and she Nod Worriedly..

I quickly go out and Drove to their house..and Knock..

But no one answered then I realized it's Not Lock..they probably forgot Because they were in a hurry..

I then walk inside.."Mina noona!!"I shouted..No response.."Mina Noona Where are you?!!!"I shouted again even Louder this time..I Checked Every room..and this is Mina's Room.

I was shocked when I opened Mina's Room...

"MINA?! What Happened?!"

-to be continue-

Sorry for the short update..I was really busy and here is some MiChaeng Moment.. Thanks for the support make sure to vote if you like it...


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