Chapter 22

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Nayeon's POV

I woke up on a white ceiling.. I Look around just to Realize I was on the hospital.. I saw Jihyo and the others sleeping on the couch..

After a few minutes Jihyo woke up from her slumber.. she Look at me and quickly walk towards me.. "Nayeon Unnie are you okay? What happened? How long have you been awake? Are you hungry? Here the-" she bombarded me with alot of questions.. this is not what I want to hear first thing in the morning..

"Yah! I'm okay, chill gurl calm down" I said cutting her off.. she Calmed.. "so unnie what exactly happened?" She asked calmly.. I then remembered what happened..

"Jihyo-ya we need to think of a plan to get Jeongyeon!" I said worry in my eyes.. she look at me surprised, confused and curious.. "what do you mean unnie? Jeongyeon is back?" She asked clueless.. I explained to her what happened with details..

"Woah it's pretty complicated but I understand it.. you mean Jeongyeon and Kyungwan are the same person? And also Trevor got in Jeongyeon's body?" She asked and I Nod.. "How are we gonna get him out of Jeongyeon's body tho?" She asked and I roll my eyes.. "that's why I asked you, How would I know?" I Said in a Annoyed tone.. She just glare at me and we think of an Idea..

But then a Light bulb In my mind Light up.. "how about we train ourselves and when we get stronger we're gonna defeat Trevor?" I said.. "that's probably a good idea, Okay let's do your plan, Let's tell the other and Tomorrow let's start training!" She said and I agree with it..

After that the girls woke up and we explained everything to them and they also agreed to the plan..

[Time Skip]

[3 weeks Later]

We've been training for weeks now and I feel Stronger.. I was working really hard.. harder than my friends and they always try to stop me because they said It's enough for today and it will make me sick if I work extra hard..

But I didn't listen to them I still work hard so that I will be able to face Trevor.. I knew he can use Jeongyeon's power so I train on Dodging it..

Right now I was still training while the others took a break.. they give up on trying to stop me so they just let me be.. I keep training but then I felt a hand on my back..

"I'm still good Jihyo-ya" I said not Looking back.. "Nayeon-ah" I heard a very Familiar Voice.. The voice I've been missing so much.. I look back and was shock.. "J-Jeongyeon?!" I exclaimed, he smile at me and Nod his head.. I was confused and shocked at the same time.. "W-what are you doing here? I thought Trevor is still on your body?" I asked him.. he just smile and cup my cheeks.. "I told you I'll take care of it.. I'm back now" he said and I was so happy.. "I Love you Jeongyeon! I never got the chance to tell you" I said while he was still cupping my cheeks..

"Don't work so hard Nayeon-ah.. and I Love you too" he said while getting closer and closer to my face.. I did the same and our face is just centimeters apart.. I was about to kiss him when..


Someone suddenly shouted at me making me startle and sit up straight.. I Look around me to see them Looking at me with worried faces.. 'I-it was just a dream? B-but it felt so real' I thought.. I was disappointed and sad at the same time..

I look at them.. "what happened?" I asked them.. "Unnie you train so hard that you didn't notice you got dehydrated and Black out" Jihyo said worriedly.. "Unnie! We told you not to train so hard! What if something happened to you?! Jeongyeon oppa won't be happy if he sees you like this! Think about us too unnie! Where worried for Jeongyeon oppa too!" Sana said Frustrated while pulling her hair and Tzuyu Calming her down..

I look down not daring to Look at them.. They are right after all.. "unnie please.. were friends.. we'll help you.. were here so please don't train that hard.. please unnie.." momoring said while her voice Cracked and tears fell on her eyes.. I look at them with teary eyes.. "Thank you so much guys for being there for me.. I'm sorry if I brought you to this mess I made.. I won't do it again.." I said sincerely..

"Noona it's okay.. we're all friends after all.. so guys! Group hug!!!" Dahyun said and we hug each other..


Trevor's POV (in Jeongyeon's body)

I was done making all of my robots and I was still working on my Nuke bomb but I suddenly saw a picture when I was grabbing something on my pocket.. it's a picture of Nayeon and Jeongyeon..

My heart or Let's say Jeongyeon's heart suddenly beats so fast and me Losing control.. 'what the Hell is happening to me?!' I thought I then hear a voice in my head..

"Did you really Think I'll give up that easily Trevor? Not a chance"

"Shut the Fu- agh!" I couldn't continue what I said when my head suddenly hurts.. After a few minutes I Got back to his body.. 'what the hell was that?!' I thought.. I then remembered the picture.. 'its because of the Stupid Picture!' I thought and grabbed the picture without Looking at it..

I then tear it apart.. I then Thought 'if that picture can make him take control then I have to kill the stupid girl first without Looking at her huh?' I thought.. I then Turn on two of my robots.. "Robot Z and Robot B Get that Nayeon girl and tie her up make sure she'll be here alive, understand?" I commanded them..

"Yes sir" the two of them said at the same time and went out to find her.. I just smirk and went back to work..

Unknown to him that...

There is Someone watching him...

-To Be Continue-

Hey my guys! Thanks for all the thoughtful Comments! I wasn't planning of updating since I originally planned to update next week but since alot of you guys inspire me with your Comments I decided to update earlier than my usual.. Hope you enjoy it!

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