A moment of glory

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"Hey Kurt!" Blaine greeted Kurt from afar.

Kurt spun around, trying to find where was the voice from. Blaine had invited Kurt to The Lima Bean for the first time.

"Oh, there you are. I'm sorry I'm late!" Kurt apologized.

"Oh no worries. You're on time, I'm early," Blaine smirked.

Kurt pouted and went to take a seat with a cup of grande non-fat mocha. His eyes widened immediately.

"Whoa, Blaine, you bought this for me?" Kurt asked, wondering.

Blaine looked uneasy, "I'm so sorry, Kurt, I was just guessing which one you might like! I'll get another one."

"Blaine! Stop! This is my favourite order! I was just curious how on earth do you know about this," Kurt stopped Blaine from heading to the counter and took a sip.

Blaine heaved a sigh of relief and sat on his seat. He began sipping his cup of medium drip when Kurt broke the silence.

"So, how old are you when you figured out you're gay?" Kurt asked softly.

"I was 15," Blaine looked away.

"I'm sorry Blaine, I didn't mean to hurt you," Kurt purred.

Blaine nodded his head understandingly and stared at his cup of coffee.

"What about you? And who's your first crush?" Blaine asked.

"When I'm 4. My dad told me during my birthdays, I will always go to ladies' shops instead of men's. And my first crush is," Kurt stammered, "Finn."

Blaine chuckled. Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"No wonder you matched Finn's mom with your dad," Blaine sniggered.

"Hey Blaine," Sebastian greeted warmly.

"Seb, what are you doing here?" Blaine laughed awkward and tensely.

Sebastian sat on a chair nearest to Blaine.

"Who's this?" Sebastian pointed at Kurt.

"Oh, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'm Blaine's newfound friend," Kurt smiled and extended a hand for Sebastian to shake.

Sebastian distant himself away from Kurt and continued talking to Blaine, "I miss how we used to-"

"That's rude and mean, Sebastian. You shouldn't act so cold towards Kurt. He's innocent," Blaine raged.

Sebastian sighed and shook hands with Kurt. He purposely scratched Kurt's hand so hard till it started bleeding.

"Ouch!" Kurt shrieked softly.

"ENOUGH SEBASTIAN. WE'RE OUT OF HERE," Blaine stood up and began to wipe Kurt's hand with a piece of napkin.

Blaine took Kurt's arms and led him out of the coffee shop.

"A-are you okay, Kurt?" Blaine asked pitifully.

"Do I look like I am? Help me down here, Blaine," Kurt extended his hands for Blaine to take.

Blaine pulled Kurt up and they started walking towards Blaine's car. About 5 metres away from Blaine's car, a car began to lose control and went straight to Kurt's direction.

"Kurt! Watch out!" Blaine shouted and grabbed Kurt's torso.

Blaine dragged Kurt behind as fast as he could and held him tightly from behind.

They stayed still for a moment, both of them with throbbing hearts. Blaine could hear Kurt's heavy breathing as he continued to hug Kurt tightly, never wanting to let go. Kurt laid against Blaine, feeling the comfort Blaine is giving him. He had never felt this way before.

"Blaine," Kurt said, still in Blaine's embrace.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Kurt, I didn't mean it," Blaine admitted.

"It's okay Blaine, you saved my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," Kurt expressed his gratitude to Blaine.

Blaine smiled and placed his sweaty palm on Kurt's shoulder and gave it a light pat. Then, they headed to Blaine's car together.

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