Kurt's teacher

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"Blaine Anderson. I repeat, Blaine Anderson. Please head to my office right now!" Mr Figgins voice boomed through the "annoucer".

Blaine looked up at the teacher and showed her a surprised look. The teacher showed Blaine an encouraging - yet flirty - look. She headed towards him and sat on his desk.

"There, there, Blainey. I'll send you if you want to," the teacher, Ms Perez, said flirtatiously.

The other students in the class wolf-whistled at Blaine and winked at him.

"Thanks, Ms Perez, but I'll go myself," Blaine widened his eyes awkwardly, feeling totally uncomfortable.

"Be careful then!" Ms Perez pouted at Blaine as he left.

Blaine rushed out of the classroom, then headed to Kurt's class for a while. Kurt saw Blaine outside his class and his hands shot up immediately.

"Mr Reez! May I use the bathroom?" Kurt smiled sweetly at his teacher.

"Sure," Mr Reez, the most good-looking teacher in the school, said without looking at Kurt.

"Thanks!" Kurt rushed out and grabbed Blaine by the hand.

"What's wrong? I heard your name being called," Kurt said, still holding Blaine's hands.

"Follow me, Kurt. I'm afraid and I need someone that I could rely on," Blaine held Kurt's hand and headed to Mr Figgins' office.

As soon as the both of them reached the office, Blaine saw a bandaged Azimio sitting on the couch, shouting at Figgins. Blaine took a deep breath and looked at Kurt.

"Wish me good luck, Kurt," Blaine said, smiling.

Kurt patted Blaine's shoulder and waited outside the office.

"Anderson! Why did you hit Azimio till he lost a whole lot of blood?" Figgins asked.

"I'm sorry but, what would you do if someone, would've beaten up the love of your life? Are you going to just hang around and pretended like you don't care? No. You'll stand up for her," Blaine challenged Figgins.

"Azimio, who do you try to beat up?" Figgins asked.

"Oh, what a sweet couple. So you and Kurt are what? Boyfriends? I bet it already, Gayderson," Azimio shouted at Blaine's face.


"Fine. Fine. I'm outta here. Don't mind me anymore, Gayderson, I will leave you and your boyfriend alone in your little freaktown. And guess what's the population?" Azimio sneered, "2."

Blaine tried to shout back at Azimio but he disappeared through the hallway. Blaine looked at Figgins and forced a smile at him. Then, he left the office, crying.

"Oh dear, Blaine, what happened?" Kurt asked Blaine as he rubbed Blaine's hair.

Blaine continued sobbing till his eyes turned red. Kurt hugged Blaine tightly, trying to comfort him.

"I hate that word so much," Blaine said as soon as he dried his tears.

"What is it, Blaine? Did Azimio make you feel bad?" Kurt asked empathetically.

"He kept calling me Gayderson. Even if I didn't do anything to disturb him," Blaine started crying again.

"Blaine, look here," Kurt kissed away Blaine's tears as soon as Blaine looked at him, "If you're Gayderson, I'll be Gayderson too. Promise."

Blaine chuckled and stood up.

"I love you, Kurt," Blaine hugged Kurt.

"I love y-" Kurt's tone suddenly changed.

"Ditching classes, Kurt? What are you doing?" Mr Reez asked from afar.

Kurt immediately let go of Blaine and pretended like he was just hanging around with Blaine.

"Oh, Blaine was called and he was afraid so he asked me to follow him. I'll go to class now," Kurt stared at Blaine and slow jogged to his class.

"I'll go too, I'm sorry for taking Kurt with me," Blaine apologized.

"Nope, it's okay. Go to class, Blaine," Mr Reez smiled at Blaine then turned around to go back to class before he asked a question,"Wait. What are you and Kurt? I saw both of you hugging so, lovingly."

"If you don't mind, we're... boyfriends," Blaine said.

Mr Reez nodded and proceeded to his class. Blaine saw a little tears trailing down Mr Reez's cheeks. Blaine was going to ask him if he was alright but shook it off. He thought that he was just imagining it.

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