Carnival Date

801 24 22

"Hey, you look lovely today, Hummel," Blaine smirked and looked at Kurt's outfit.

"So do you, Anderson," Kurt smiled and went to peck Blaine's rosy cheeks.

Blaine handed Kurt a bouquet of yellow roses and went to grab his hand.

"Are you ready?" Blaine asked, gentleman-ly.

Kurt nodded and both of them went down the stairs slowly.

"Woah, where are you two going?" Burt raised and eyebrow and looked at the two neatly-dressed young men.

"Oh, hey dad, I'm going out with Blaine for a while," Kurt smiled sweetly and gave Burt a get-out-of-here-and-leave-us-alone look.

Blaine smiled at Burt and said their goodbyes as both of them rush out towards Kurt's car.

"I'm driving," Blaine said as he went to open the door.

Kurt nodded and went to the passenger's seat. He placed the bouquet of flowers at the back of the car and turned on the radio. Let's Have A Kiki was being played.

"That song, was just too epic, I can't believe it they would actually do something like that," Kurt burst into fits of laughter as soon as the song ended.

Blaine nodded his head and laughed along with Kurt.

"Hey, are you nervous for Sectionals? I'm totally not ready, I mean Britney Spears Medley? Britt must get the whole stage to herself for sure," Kurt trailed off.

"Yeah, and Rachel's voice will be the only sound," Blaine shrugged.

Within splits second, Kurt's phone flashed and he went to open it.

'Hey, Mr Schue told me to tell you guys that we aren't gonna do a Brit Medley for Sect. We're in for a Gaga Medley, so Kurt, you're one of the fashionistas in the club, we need you and the girls to find some IDEAL outfits for the guys thanks. -Finn'

Kurt gasped in surprise.

"Blaine! A Gaga Medley! I'm overexcited seriously, we're gonna kill this thing!" Kurt shrieked as he stared unbelievably at his phone screen.

Blaine smiled at Kurt, feeling happy for him, but still worrying over the fact that Kurt's leaving in less than a month's time.

After 10 minutes, they reached their destination. Kurt get out of the car and began to drag Blaine over to the ticket counter.

"For 2, please!" Kurt said cheerfully and snatched the tickets from the men.

Blaine just followed him, smiling gladly because of Kurt being so happy.

"Blaine, choose a ride, don't worry about anything, okay, just have fun," Kurt said, sensing Blaine looking very troubled.

Blaine snapped out from his daydream and nodded his head. Kurt suspected Blaine wasn't okay so he held Blaine's cold hands and rubbed it, hoping it will get warmer. Kurt gave Blaine a reassuring smile and hugged him.

"So, the roller coaster looks amazing, I mean we can actually see our epic faces on the screen!" Kurt dragged Blaine along to the roller coaster.

Blaine get on a seat and held on Kurt tight, never wanting to let go. Kurt leaned on Blaine, and when it came to the deep slope, Kurt hugged Blaine tightly, feeling his stomach in his mouth. Blaine rubbed Kurt's back soothingly and he kissed Kurt's hair.

"You okay, lovely? You seemed so frightened," Blaine asked, worried.

"I'm okay, as long as I'm with you," Kurt smiled at Blaine.

But you're not gonna be with me in less than a month's time, you're not gonna be okay, Kurt, Blaine thought to himself.

They spent the whole night in the carnival, enjoying themselves, and Blaine even bought Kurt a plush toy to remember him whenever he felt lonely. Kurt kissed Blaine on the lips as soon as they exited the gift shop but stopped as soon as they realized that everyone were looking at them. Kurt smiled sheepishly at them and then exited the carnival. Both of them had a really good night together.

"I'm driving, Kurt, you looked tired," Blaine smiled a genuine smile.

Kurt nodded weakly at Blaine as he went to the passenger's seat as he listened to Come What May on the radio.

"I'm gonna miss you, I love you, till the day of my death, Kurt," Blaine teared up as he continued driving.

Kurt smiled at Blaine and nodded, as he slowly drifted off to sleep, still hugging the cute puppy plush toy Blaine had bought for Kurt.


Kurt was awoken by the loud, deafening sound. His eyes widened immediately at the sight of the crushed windscreen. His eyes immediately find Blaine, who was lying unconscious on the driver's seat with his forehead smeared with blood.

"Blaine! Blaine, wake up! Please freaking wake up, Blaine!" Kurt shook Blaine rigidly, hoping he will gain consciousness in no time.

Kurt wind down his window and screamed for help.

"Help me! Sir, my boyfriend is in pain! Please help me call for the ambulance! I'm calling my dad and the police!" Kurt said worriedly.

"Calm down, Kurt! It's me, Puck. I'll call for the ambulance right away!" Puck whimpered as he took out his cellphone and dialed the ambulance, pacing outside Kurt's vehicle.

Kurt nodded his head and continued trying to wake Blaine up. Kurt had a minor injury on his arms but he didn't exactly feel the pain. He felt pain for Blaine. He called the police and Burt without further a do.

Barely 10 minutes later, the policemen and the paramedics reached the scene together with Burt, Carole and Finn. Burt began to calm Kurt down and pulled Kurt away from the accident site as he kept holding Blaine's pale hands.

"Blaine! Please wake up! Can you hear me, Blaine!" Kurt's scream became fainter and fainter after being pulled away by Burt.

Kurt thought back about Blaine's word before he was unconscious. He said till the day of his death. Is this going to be the day? Is Blaine still alive or? Kurt hit himself for thinking all the negative things in his head. He will just have to hope and pray for Blaine's survival. He couldn't do anything more than that. He felt guilty for not stopping Blaine to drive. He really felt guilty, for the very first time.

Author speaks: Hey guys! I'm sorry for the late update! I wish you love this part of the story so enjoy! And enjoy today's Dynamic Duets okay! The Warblers are finally back! -Astrinka

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