Unpredictable Fight

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"So, what were you asking?" Mr Reez asked slowly.

"Um, I'm having a little bit of a rough time with my boyfriend, and I-" Kurt said but was interrupted by Mr Reez's coughing.

"Oh sorry, continue," Mr Reez smiled widely.

"Why are you smiling?" Kurt asked, uneasy.

"Oh nothing, just, continue," Mr Reez looked at the ground.

"So, um, where was I," Kurt said, "Yeah, me and Blaine is having a rough time. I was suspecting he's seeing this guy, G-Gabriel," Kurt stammered.

Mr Reez shot up from his seat. He looked at Kurt's weird expression and apologized him for acting sillyly.

"I'm sorry, but, I don't think this thing is interesting you," Kurt stood up and grabbed his bag, "I'll see you in school tomorrow."

Mr Reez grabbed Kurt's hand and prevented him from leaving. He stared into Kurt's big, greyish plus bluish eyes, for a long time.

"Um, what are you doing exactly?" Kurt asked softly.

"I love you, Kurt," Mr Reez cried and leaned in to kiss Kurt on the lips.

Kurt was shocked for a moment and he couldn't do anything. Unfortunately, Blaine was passing Kurt's classroom to fetch him. When he saw the sight, he stared at Kurt to Mr Reez, and then to Kurt again. He began to cry, not believing that Kurt will do such a thing to him. He shook his head and began to sob loudly. Kurt pulled away and stared at Mr Reez unbelievably. Mr Reez smiled at him, encouragingly but Kurt shoved him away. When Kurt turned around, he saw Blaine running away from his classroom.

"Oh no, Blaine, wait! Blaine, I-I-I didn't mean it, stop, Blaine!" Kurt rushed out of the classroom to see Blaine running towards his car.

"Blaine, honey, stop! It wasn't my fault!" Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand.

"It was NEVER your fault, Kurt! You are innocent, always right, never had you made any mistakes! You are perfect, Kurt, but you had crossed the line! This is too much, Kurt, cheating is too much, especially when I thought that you really loved me, but you don't," Blaine cried till his eyes were puffy and red.

Kurt stared at the ground and lowened his head. He had never felt so regretful before.

"This is over, Kurt, we're over," Blaine said, "I'll send you home and pack my stuff. I'm going to Sam's."

"No, Blaine, please don't do that. I love you, with all my heart, if only you can see it," Kurt explained.

"Love can be sensed," Blaine said and headed to his car, cupping his face, "I don't sense it anymore, Kurt."

"We can talk about this, Blaine. Breaking up is not an opt-" "There's no point staying in a relationship if there's no love. I don't feel it anymore, Kurt. I-I-I d-don't l-lo," Blaine stopped and went into his car. He decided to keep quiet for the rest of the journey.

"Hey, Kurt, Blaine, you are home a little later than usual, huh," Burt greeted.

"Um, Mr Hummel, I'm staying in Sam's house for the rest of the time," Blaine permissioned.

"Oh, why's that? Is Kurt making you uncomfortable?" Burt asked Blaine.

"N-no, just that, since," Blaine stammered, "since he's leaving this Saturday, I-I decided to stay in Sam's."

Blaine said and sobbed his eyes out. He ran up to Kurt's bedroom and packed up as soon as possible. In 10 minutes, he managed to pack everything up. He secretly took a picture of Kurt and kept it in his luggage.

"I'm leaving, Mr Hummel, goodbye," Blaine forced a smile.

"Aren't you gonna say your goodbye to your boyfriend too?" Burt asked.

"I'm never saying goodbye to him, sir," Blaine whispered to Burt but Kurt could hear it loud and clear and he started tearing up a little bit.

Just heartbroken, and I need some time, Blaine thought.

"Maybe a hug then?" Burt said.

Blaine dropped his luggages and hesitantly hugged Kurt as tightly as usual. It felt right. He felt safe. He felt like there was always protection when he needed one. Kurt cried. Tear by tear. He can't let go. He needs Blaine. By his side. In Lima or NY. Everywhere and anywhere. He just need his boyfriend all the time, but he already broke his heart.

He unwillingly let go of Blaine and gave a quick peck on his cheek to show Burt that they weren't arguing.

"See you again, Blaine," Burt said.

"See you," Blaine sobbed, "Kurt."

Author speaks: Sorry, this chapter wasn't as long as usual :( I'm tired, I'm human too haha xoxo But I'll promise the next one will be long x Fan and vote please, I love every single readers in here xoxo Follow my twitter, gleeks: @astrinka

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