Difficult To Forgive

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"Have some spaghetti?" Burt offered.

Kurt shook his head and stared at his empty plate.

"What about just the meatballs?"

Kurt rolled his eyes and shook his head, harder, "No, dad, I'm not in the mood."

"Kurt, you have been losing weight drastically since the day Blaine left. Tell us what's wrong." Finn asked sadly.

"No, Finn, it's nothing gotta do with Blaine. And even if I tell you, you won't understand how I feel."

"That's why we're here for you, right?" Finn looked at Burt, then Carole.

"Honey, you have to tell us," Carole suggested.

"N-no," Kurt said weakly and went up to his room, "Just, leave me alone for a second."

Kurt went up and looked at his empty bedroom. Blaine used to give him surprise hugs whenever Kurt emerged from the door. He then thought about Mr Reez. He started all these troubles, he thought. He pounded his fist on the wall multiples of time.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Burt said, "You're leaving in 4 days and you act like you're sick."

"I'm not sick, dad, i-it's Blaine."

"You told us it wasn't about-"

"It is, dad. I broke his heart."

"Tell me what did you do now."

"I-it's complicated! I didn't exactly broke his heart but he took it that way! I-I just can't live without him, dad and I have no idea what I have to do!"

"Did you cheat on him?"

"My teacher kissed me! I know, it's weird, but he really did! He said that he love me and he immediately planted one on me. I-I was so shock till I just c-couldn't move and Blaine saw it, dad, he saw it with his own eyes. I tried to explain it to him, but he won't let me. Help me, dad, I need him."

"Calm down, Kurt, everything's gonna be alright. You go and sleep. There's school tomorrow."

Kurt nodded and sobbed on his dad's shoulder. Burt hugged Kurt tightly, making him comfortable.

"Hey, Kurt," Rachel greeted Kurt as soon as he reached WMHS.

"Oh, hey, Rach," Kurt forced a smile.

"Are you okay, you seem blue," Rachel asked.

"No colors can describe me, sweety, I'm such a dull person," Kurt joked.

Rachel rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Nah, you're as bright as the brightest thing in this world," Rachel smiled, "How's Blaine?"

Kurt looked around and saw Blaine giving him a quick look. Kurt then looked at somewhere else.

"You know, just as normal couples will do."

"Oh, such a luckyduck. I'm never getting back together with that douchebag, Finn. I've got enough of him."

"Why's that? He's such a nice guy."

"Yeah, nice."


"I'll see you in my last Glee Club session today, Rach."

"See ya!"

Kurt went to his classroom and saw Mr Reez smiling at him. Kurt looked the other way and avoided Mr Reez the whole time. When he was doing his paper, he was called out.

"Kurt, come here."

Kurt went to the front and Mr Reez went to hold his hands secretly.

"Are you okay, hun?" Mr Reez asked.

"Get away from me. You're not my type, and stop bugging me."

"I'm sorry Kurt, but -"

Kurt's classmate, Felicia, was staring at the two of them the whole time.

"Oh, Fel, we was just, warming up," Kurt tried to find reasons, "for a play."

Felicia nodded slowly and looked at them weirdly.

"Look, Mr Reez, don't talk to me anymore and leave me and my boyfriend alone."

With that, Kurt went back to his seat.

"Guys, let's get ready for Sectionals, it's in 2 days' time! Pair up, Britt with San, Rach with Quinn, Tina with Mercedes etc," Mr Schue explained, "Boys, Puck with Finn, Artie with Mike, Kurt with Blaine etc. Now get to work and be serious."

Kurt awkwardly sat beside Blaine and kept quiet. Blaine avoided eye contacts with Kurt and kept looking at the opposite side. As the rest of the cast were having fun, Kurt and Blaine kept quiet for the rest of the lesson. After a few minutes, Kurt broke the silence.

"Blaine," Kurt said softly.

Blaine remained quiet. Kurt placed his hands on Blaine's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm really sorry, Blaine, but, it wasn't me who started the, kiss," Kurt admitted, "I-it was, Mr Reez."

Blaine remained keeping quiet.

"I really hope that you will understand. I need you, Blaine, I will never ever cheat on someone I really love, someone who managed to cheer me up when I'm down. I've always wanted to repay you, but, it's really hard, cuz I kept messing things up," Kurt teared up.

"It's good that you do realize that you kept messing things up," Blaine said with tears in his eyes and went towards a lonely Sam.

Kurt sighed loudly and opened his phone. Since Blaine don't want to talk, he'll text him whatever things he needs to say.

'Blaine, I forgave you for writing the list before I'm already gone. I still love you all this while even when I'm mad at you. Please accept me, Blaine, I didn't just kiss anyone just because I want to. xo Please come back.'

Kurt started sobbing and went towards Mr Schue.

"W-what happened, Kurt?"

Everyone stared at Kurt, excluding Blaine, who tried his best not to let his tears flow free.

"J-just, I'm going home e-early today. I'm sorry Mr Schue I need my time."

With that, Kurt left the choir room without looking at Blaine. Blaine felt his heart sank. He had made the love of his life upset, heartbroken. He did not want to do this, but seeing Kurt kissing other guy was totally unbearable. He have to make it up. He was trying to forgive Kurt, but he couldn't. Blaine wiped a tear and continued to daydream.

"A penny for your thought?" Sam asked.

"N-nothing," Blaine forced a smile, "I'm fine, let's practise."

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