The list

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Author speaks: Sorry, there was some error and I've had no idea how to continue. So, I'll change a little bit of the storyline here.

"Hey, Blaine, wake up, it's school already!" Kurt chirped happily as he knelt down beside Blaine.

Blaine was still snoring loudly. Kurt smirked at his sweet idea to wake Blaine up. Kurt grabbed his phone and pretended to call someone.

"Hey, honey, where are you now? I'm sorry I'm late for this date but I'll go straight awa-" Kurt spoke loudly, causing Blaine to shoot up from his sleep.

"Who were you talking to?" Blaine frowned at Kurt deeply.

"Oh, just my friend who's always waking up FAST," Kurt pretended to look shocked.

"WHO IS THAT GUY, KURT. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME," Blaine shouted as Kurt slowly walked away from Blaine.

"Whoa, sweetcheeks, calm down, don't be too serious. I was just pretending to call someone sweetly so that you'll wake up," Kurt does his Kurt-y smile, "And, surprisingly, it works."

Blaine rubbed his head and began hitting his forehead hard.

"Blaine, are you okay?" Kurt asked, looking at Blaine's forehead.

"It's just that, I can't do something - forceful - when I just woke up," Blaine groaned.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," Kurt frowned at himself.

Blaine shook his head, smiling, then laid down on the bed again.

"I'm not going to school. You can go if you want to," Blaine closed his eyes.

"I'll always be by your side, lovely," Kurt walked over towards Blaine and played with his crazy no-gel curls.

About 10 minutes later, Blaine was fast asleep. Kurt slowly get out of bed, afraid to make noises, then went to take a piece of paper and a pen. He began listing out the activities he planned to do with Blaine before leaving for NYADA. He finished the whole list in half an hour. Several seconds later, Blaine was yawning loudly. Kurt quickly folded the list and put it on the table.

"Hey, Blaine," Kurt softly stroked Blaine's dreamy hair.

"Wow, I'm not feeling the headache anymore," Blaine heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'll go and wash up first while you take some time to relax," Kurt said.

Blaine held Kurt's hand, preventing him from going.

"Will you do anything for me, Kurt?" Blaine asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Everything, I'll do everything and anything. For you. Except if it's something to do with making out with someone else," Kurt smiled.

"Take off your shirt. Here," Blaine smiled evilly.

Kurt's eyes widened in an instant. He gasped and shook his head.

"No. That's an exception," Kurt quickly run to the bathroom without looking back.

Blaine was faster. He grabbed Kurt's waist and dragged him on the bed. Then, he tickled him and forced him to undress in front of him.

"You're raping me, Blaine. Get off me!" Kurt chuckled till he was out of breath.

Blaine continued trying to take Kurt's shirt off but Kurt kept blocking him.

After a while, Kurt began to feel tired and just lay on the bed, with Blaine beside him, suddenly turned silent. Then, Blaine began to slowly went nearer to Kurt and unbutton his t-shirt. Kurt reacted too slowly then.

"OH BLAINE. WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME," Kurt took a blanket and covered himself.

Blaine giggled and hugged Kurt so tightly. Kurt snuggled into Blaine's warm, welcoming hug.

"N'aww, that's my boyfriend," Blaine kissed Kurt's hair.

Kurt chuckled and removed the blanket off his body. He suddenly felt the confidence of getting naked in front of Blaine.

"Your body is so beautiful, Kurt," Blaine stared at Kurt's slouched body.

"Oh, look away, Blaine, I'm going to wash up already," Kurt moaned and headed to the bathroom.

Blaine nodded his head and made his way towards the bed. He looked at the clock that showed 9 a.m.. That's fast, he thought. He began to lie down when he noticed the list Kurt has done. He read through the list and finally saw the last sentences that made him smile like a madman.

'P.S. This list MUST be done by the time I leave for NYADA. With my loveliest, most perfect boyfriend on the whole entire universe, Blaine Devon Anderson

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