Critical condition

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It is already the 3rd day and Blaine was still not gaining conscious. Kurt paced Blaine's ward thinking about tricks that might wake Blaine up but to no avail. His mind was full of worries till no thoughts can be filled into his head anymore. Kurt, along with Finn, has been waiting for Blaine since the first day this happened. Kurt thought back about the incident, and realised that Blaine was crying when he was driving.

"Oh no, Finn. Blaine was crying that day he was driving," Kurt trembled.

Finn shot up from his seat looking up from his phone.

"Kurt, sorry, but I have to go and fetch Rachel. I'm half an hour late already!" Finn exited Blaine's ward without a single uttering.

"CAN YOU BE MORE SELFISH, FINN? IS THE ONE HURT RACHEL OR BLAINE?!" Kurt screamed at Finn's direction but soon stop as it was useless.

Finn has left the hospital for Rachel. Kurt went out to the counter and told them to erase Finn's name off the only-people-who-can-visit-Blaine list. Kurt was so mad at Finn. He went back to Blaine's ward to find him not breathing well, since there was no sign of him breathing. Kurt's eyes widened immediately and pressed the red button beside Blaine's bed. A doctor and a Norse when running into the ward, immediately taking a look at Blaine.

"Sir, he have only a little chances to live, according to the machines that's attached to him," the doctor told Kurt and did a little pumping to help Blaine.

Kurt ran out of the ward to the toilet, crying. He did not know what to do anymore. He heard the doctor shouting at him to come back but he did not even stop to look back. He felt like it was the end of his life. Blaine is his life. Now, if Blaine could not live any longer, it was the end of he's too. He cried, not wanting to stop. Then, he bumped into Burt and Carole.

"Hey, boy, what happened? Please don't cry," Burt asked Kurt worriedly.

Kurt shook his head, still crying, not even bothering to answer the question. Burt pulled Kurt into a warm and tight hug, then proceeded to Blaine's ward together.

"He might only have another day of survival, I'm really, really sorry, sir. We can't do anything to make him okay. He's still not awake, but there is signs of breathing," the doctor said sadly.

"No, doc, there is something that you can do! You didn't try to make him okay!" Kurt screamed.

"Calm down, I know how you feel, my friend was in this condition once, and he dies. He dies, and I'm still having a trauma till this day, cuz we were close, really close," the doctor whimpered sadly.

"He's not my friend, he's not my friend! He's my boyfriend, and the feeling is not like that. It's like when my dad loses his deceased wife, my mom. It feels like that, not just a friend," Kurt began to cry uncontrollably.

He went to take a seat at a stool and grabbed Blaine's cold hands tightly. The doctor looked regretfully at Burt and Carole and left the ward silently. Kurt kept praying for Blaine and wishing that Blaine will finally regain consciousness. Then, a miracle happen. Blaine was moving slightly, and a smile finally appeared in Kurt's face.

"It's working! It's working, dad, Carole! Blaine's waking up," Kurt whispered happily.

"I need to be there for Kurt, you can't take me away!" Blaine screamed, still closing his eyes.

Kurt cried happy tears and hugged Blaine. Blaine's eyes opened instantly.

"Kurt, those devils were about to take me away! I don't know how they just let go of me, and here you are!" Blaine said, with a scared emotion.

"You and your silly dreams, Blaine. But I'm still happy to see you back being your Blaine-y self! I miss you, Blaine!" Kurt kissed Blaine as soon as he stopped talking.

Burt and Carole joined in and hugged Blaine happily, to find Blaine safe and sound. They all hugged and laughed together for about 5 minutes. Then, Blaine became serious and stopped doing everything.

"Where's Finn?" Blaine asked, looking around.

"Why did you ask for him, Blaine?" Kurt asked back.

"I don't know, it's just that, he helped me through the journey the most in my dream. Or it wasn't even a dream. He's the only person who helped me fight every demons in my dreams," Blaine said.

"Blaine, you're freaking me out. Why are you being such a kid?" Kurt asked worriedly.

Blaine shook his head and told Kurt to forget everything he said. But in his mind, he knew that it was the devils. They were trying to take him away. And the only thing that can prevent them from doing that was Kurt's touch and Kurt hugged him when he regains his consciousness.

Author speaks: Hey Gleeks and Klainers! Have you watched Dynamic Duets? Amazing wasn't it? :) Anyways, Kurt thought that there was something wrong with Blaine as he kept imagining things like a kid. But for Blaine, he didn't imagine all those, it really happened to him. And Finn had saved him from being taken away to his death. P.S. I don't really know how to continue but I'll try my best ok! :)

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