Time of our lives

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Author speaks: Beware guys, this zone is the dirtiest zone and if you're not too comfortable with gays deep-intimacy scenes, skip this chapter (altho I knew fanficts readers are always excited for smutty-scenes XD). Just telling you that I warned you already :) Have fun.

Kurt went side-by-side with Blaine as they passed by Mr Reez.

"Um, Kurt," Mr Reez greeted.

"Get off my boyfriend, sir," Blaine said calmly.

"I'm not gonna kiss him, dude, calm your ass down," Mr Reez said ill-manneredly.

"Who do you think you are to speak to him that way? What, do you think you rule the world or-" Kurt said.

"Kurt, I just wanna wish you good luck with your NYADA scholarship. It's gonna be okay," Mr Reez smiled brightly.

"Thank you, and if you may excuse us," Kurt said and grabbed Blaine's hand towards the exit.

Kurt went towards his car and drove to Sam's house. Half-way through reaching Sam's, Blaine saw a nightclub with hundreds of people in it. Since he have the VIP card member, he decided to party with Kurt, and make the last day memorable.

"Kurt, let's go to Georgia's Club, it's just right there," Blaine smiled.

Without Kurt's agreement, Blaine pulled him into the club to find hundreds of people having fun.

"Um, two red wines please," Blaine ordered.

"Two? Who's with you?" the bartender asked.

"Kurt, my boyfriend, he's leaving for New York tomorrow, so we decided to have some, time," Blaine explained.

"Oh," the bartender shook hands with Kurt, "I'm Gabriel, Blaine's really really close friend. I used to be from Shawnee High, graduated, so I'm considered as Blaine's senior."

Gabriel? So this is Gabriel, Kurt thought. Kurt nodded his head and smiled at Gabriel. Blaine excused himself for a while and Gabriel started talking to Kurt. Before giving Kurt his red wine, Gabriel told him something.

"Hey, Kurt, just so you know, Blaine's a charmer, yet he can really be high when he's drunk," Gabriel winked at Kurt, "He can drag you to-"

"Sex?" Kurt's eyes widened instantly.

"Yeah, precisely."

"How do you know that?"

"He tried it with Sebastian, of course, he's ex. But Sebastian declined his offer."

"Oh, he won't do it to me," Kurt looked away.

Kurt began to drink his red wine and asked for more, and more, and more till his head was completely dizzy. He saw a drunk guy walking towards him, dragging him by the collar. Blaine.

"Hey, baby, I'm totally enjoying this," Blaine said, dancing on the dancefloor, unaware of everything.

"Yeaaaah, Blaine, I'm seriously loving this, loving you."

"You've got some time, honey?" Blaine said and dragged Kurt to a room.

Kurt saw a blur of beige without anybody in the room. He turned around and saw Blaine totally naked, grinning at Kurt as he pushed him to the bed. He began licking Kurt's neck as Kurt giggled.

"Aww, Blaine, you're such a sweetheart," Kurt exclaimed and ripped his shirt off, leaving himself in only tight boxers.

"We're gonna have the time of our life, Kurt," Blaine said and grabbed Kurt's tiny crotch. He began smiling like crazy.

"No, Blaine d-don't do that," Kurt breathe in hardly.

"Do what?" Blaine asked with a dirty accent and licked Kurt's crotch.


"Enjoying it?" Blaine smirked.

"Yes indeed," Kurt smirked back and began biting Blaine's lower lip.

Blaine pressed Kurt's head hard to himself as Kurt licked Blaine's torso. They spent their time at the club till they fell asleep.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, Blaine! What did we do yesterday? Did you strip me naked? What the hell did you do to me? Blaine, you gotta explain this! And my hair is totally soaked with sweat, oh dear, Blaine what have you done to me?"

"Honey, calm down, we had the best night of our lives. We had se-"

"No, we didn't, oh no Blaine, you virginity-stealer." Kurt stood up and dress up. He looked at his watch. 7:15 p.m..

"Blaine, c'mon, honey, get ready, I have to be in flight at 10."

"Kurt, kiss me."

"C'mon, don't tell me you're still drunk," Kurt said and pulled Blaine up.

He then proceeded to dress Blaine up as Blaine continuously kissed Kurt's jawline.

"I'm gonna miss you," Blaine broke down at Kurt's shoulder.

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