Half-separated relationship

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Blaine has been waiting for Kurt outside his class for more than 20 minutes but he still have not emerged. He thought that Kurt was angry at him for hugging him in front of his teacher and had left school first. He waited for 5 minutes more and decided to go home alone, questions bubbling in his head.

"Blaine, you're going home without me?" Kurt smirked and waved his hands at Blaine.

A wide smile formed in Blaine's lips.

"I thought you went home already," Blaine stopped and looked at Kurt, "What are you doing in there?"

"Mr Reez told me to stay for a while to talk about something," Kurt trailed off and stared into space.

"What was it if you don't mind?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know if I can tell you. He told me to keep it to myself," Kurt added sadly.

"C'mon, you can trust me on this," Blaine said encouragingly.

"Let's just, go home to talk about it, okay. I don't want people to eavesdrop us here," Kurt looked at the crowd surrounding them.

Blaine nodded and led Kurt towards the school's exit.

"Don't you want to go to The Lima Bean instead? I mean, it's better there, and I need my medium drip right now," Blaine suggested.

"Are you saying that you would rather stay in that shop rather than my house?" Kurt playfully punched Blaine's arm.

Blaine rolled his eyes and shook his head. Then the both of them headed to The Lima Bean to talk about the conversation between Mr Reez and Kurt.

"So, let's start talking bout it," Blaine said as soon as he found a seat and started sipping his medium drip.

Tears began to form in Kurt's eyes. He don't know if he was supposed to cry or laugh so he just did what he instantly think of.

"He told me that I'm too great to be in this school. In McKinley. So he sent me a scholarship to NYADA instead," Kurt cried.

"Kurt, why are you crying? That's like, the greatest news ever! I'm happy for you, Kurt," Blaine held Kurt's hand and rubbed it softly.

"But Blaine," Kurt let go of Blaine's hand and wiped his tears away, "That's good news for MY future, not ours."

A thought striked Blaine's mind. Why didn't I think of that? Blaine thought.

"I don't think I'll accept this scholarship," Kurt sighed.

"No, Kurt, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You have to get it, Kurt. After I graduate, we can start a new life in New York, together. I'll apply for NYU, I promise," Blaine forced a smile at Kurt to make him feel better.

"You're graduating in a year, I'm leaving in 2 months' time, I'm just worried if things don't work out," Kurt sobbed.

"We've been together for 5 months, Kurt, and everything went perfectly," Blaine assured Kurt, "Trust me, we can do it together, okay?"

Kurt nodded weakly and Blaine went over to Kurt. Kurt stood up and hugged him tightly, feeling even better than he was before.

"I'll never say goodbye to you, Blaine," Kurt whimpered.

"I know, I know," Blaine tried to disguise the pain in his voice.

Then, they left home together, both with down spirits.

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