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"Hey, Kurt, hey," Burt greeted," Hey, boy, what's up with your hand?"

Kurt shook his head and kept saying it was okay and everything's fine. Burt reached Kurt's hand and took a closer look at it.

"This, is okay?" Burt asked," Who was with you just now?"

"I-it's Blaine, my new good friend. He didn't hurt me, I promise," Kurt said genuinely.

"I'm gonna ring him and ask him why he didn't take care of you," Burt stomped his way towards the home phone.

"No, dad, he saved me! I was going to hit by a truck but he protected me. He grabbed me and pulled me aside," Kurt insisted.

Burt nodded his head and walked the opposite direction towards his and Carole's room. Kurt sighed and thought back about Sebastian. Why did he do this to me? Kurt thought. Suddenly, his phone rang and Blaine's name flashed across the screen. He answered it without a second thought.

"Kurt! I need your help! My parents are kicking me out when I reached home and I've nowhere to go! I tried calling Sam but he said he was busy and I really have to get out of here right now! Help me, Kurt!" Blaine's worried voice boomed.

"Hold on, Blaine, I'll get there in a minute," Kurt answered and told Burt about this.

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