Blaine to the Rescue! (2)

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Blaine woke up to find Kurt carefully styling his hair in front of the mirror. There wasn't any good morning kisses from Kurt today, he thought. Blaine rubbed his eyes and stood up. He went towards Kurt and wrapped his arms around him.

"Good morning, lovely," Blaine whispered in Kurt's ears.

"Morning, Blaine. Be quick, we are getting late," Kurt continued to style his hair without looking at Blaine.

"Kurt, why are you so grouchy today?" Blaine asked sadly.

"Okay, fine. What will your feelings be if I went to my boy-friend's house for a night without telling you?" Kurt hesitated, "Keep the answers to yourself."

Blaine sighed and rubbed his hair messily. He will feel bad, obviously.

"I'm sorry, Kurt, I pr-" Blaine said but was cut off by Kurt.

"I wonder if you even tried to kiss him or vice-versa," Kurt trailed off, "That would be unacceptable."

"I did," Blaine frowned for making such a mess of himself, "But I stopped myself, Kurt, I thought about you. And I was drunk. I was drunk and everything was forgotten. But I promise, I wouldn't do that again."

"Prove it to me if I'm suppose to trust you," Kurt said sternly then sighed, "Ugh, just, leave me alone for a while, Blaine."

Kurt went to get out of the room but Blaine held his hand and he spun around. Blaine held both of Kurt's warm hands and held it tightly.

"Baby, you know that I will never ever cheat on you. I'll do anything for you I swear. I'll hug and kiss you anytime, and anywhere you want to. And I'll defend you, every second of your life. I wouldn't even let them touch you in a way that makes you feel bad about yourself. I love you, Kurt, just you. You're my first, in reality, and I promise I'll do anything to make you my last," Blaine said genuinely, and leaned in to kiss Kurt's damp lips.

Kurt responded Blaine kiss passionately and wrapped his arms around his neck. They broke apart for air.

"You promise you won't love any other guy?" Kurt asked Blaine sweetly, their foreheads touched.

"I can't promise you that, 'cuz I'll love our next son, Kurt, with all my heart," Blaine purred and kissed Kurt once again.

"Go and wash up, Blaine. That's enough intimacy for today," Kurt held Blaine's shoulders.

Blaine nodded his head and stepped into the toilet.

"How's Blaine, Kurt?" Tina asked Kurt as soon as he reached the hallway.

"Oh, he's fine. Except we had a minor fight this morning. I forgave him then," Kurt smiled.

"Oo-la-la! See who's in love!" Mercedes joined in.

Kurt hugged Mercedes and the three of them headed to first period when Karofsky and Azimio stepped in between them.

"Hey pretty gay. I heard you started dating that Gayderson kid," Azimio shouted.


"What did he call me, Karofsky?" Azimio boomed, frowning at Kurt deeply.

"Hey fag! If he's chocolate, then you must be vanilla, 'cuz yo' face is yummy!" Karofsky taunted.

"That doesn't even make sense!" Kurt shouted back.

"Hey dudes! Just leave Kurt alone or we'll just spread things about you!" Mercedes screamed.

"Ladies, if you want to get beaten up, you might as well stay with Gaycelina," Azimio shouted and began to walk nearer to Kurt.

Mercedes and Tina grabbed Kurt's hands and run all the way to the back of the hallway. Then, they were stuck.

"Got stuck, lambs?" Karofsky's voice boomed through the hallway.

"Dave, you handle the girls and I'll beat up the gay out of Fag," Azimio directed.

Karofsky grabbed the ladies and bring them to their classes while Azimio began to beat up Kurt when a familiar voice rang out.

"Stop it, will you? I can beat you up with my fingers!" Blaine shouted and ran towards Azimio, ready to strike.

Blaine started punching Azimio till his face started to swell. Blaine kicked Azimio hard in the crotch then leave the unconscious Azimio lay down on the back of the hallway.

"Kurt, let's go, you're late for class," Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand with his rigid arms.

Kurt could not help but to smile at Blaine's heroic act.

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