Secrets Unfold

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"Kurt, I love you," Blaine smacked his lips into Kurt's as soon as Kurt emerged from the bathroom.

Kurt's eyes widened in shock as he enjoyed the lovely feeling, wondering why was Blaine suddenly so intimate towards him but he continued to kiss him with his arms on Blaine's neck.

"Why so sudden, Anderson?" Kurt smiled.

"I saw-" Blaine said but changed, "Nothing, just, wanna make you feel special."

Kurt raised his eyebrow and smiled cheekily at him. Blaine carried Kurt with all his might and laid him on the bed.

"Blaine, I'm still in my robe," Kurt groaned.

Blaine threw some clean shirts on the bed for Kurt and headed to sit on the bed. Kurt stared at the shirts and then at Blaine, and raised his eyebrows. Blaine shrugged at Kurt.

"C'mon, honey, I have to change get outside for a while please?" Kurt pouted at Blaine.

Blaine shook his head and smiled at Kurt. Kurt sighed and grabbed his shirt to change in the toilet but Blaine ran to block the way. Then, he leant in to kiss Kurt but Kurt distant himself away.

"Blaine, stop it, I have to change, okay," Kurt grumbled and went pass Blaine then closed the door with a bang.

Blaine pretended to cry and let his tears flow free. He jumped on the bed and covered his face with Kurt's pillow. Kurt exited the bathroom and stared shockingly at Blaine.

"Oh, Blaine, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Kurt put on a sad face and went over to comfort Blaine who's acting like a baby.

Blaine look on the other side and pretended to be angry with Kurt. Kurt became even worried. He hugged Blaine tightly, rubbing his curls and said soft words to his ears.

"There, there, Blaine. Even if I'm mad at you, I still love you from the bottom of the heart," Kurt smiled.

Blaine looked at Kurt's sweet face and smiled, still having tears in his eyes.

"You know I was joking right?" Blaine chuckled.

"You were joking, but I wasn't," Kurt winked at Blaine.

Blaine nodded and continued to lean on Kurt's shoulder.

"Wash up, Blaine, I've got a plan," Kurt's eyes shimmer like a diamond.

Blaine smiled evilly because he secretly knew about the list.

Author speaks: Sorry, not much of storyline in here cuz it's at night and I gotta go soon :0 I'll get back to you tomorrow xoxo PS Enjoy this week's Dynamic Duets on Thursday! :)

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