Long-lost brother

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Blaine immediately went to bed as soon as he reached Kurt's house but before that, he recalled about the dream, or his life during his coma.

Blaine felt like he was being thrown into a pit of darkness, with totally no one in it. He rubbed his eyes and tried to look around but what he saw was darkness. He thought he was blind, but when he rubbed his eyes again, he saw Finn, in a completely white suit, running to a certain area. Blaine quickly got up and chased after Finn, screaming his name, telling him to wait but no sound came out from his mouth. He kept chasing after Finn till Finn was completely out of sight. Then, he saw a group of people, not exactly people though, creatures with human body and a horse's head, walking nearer and nearer to him. Blaine timidly distant himself from the creatures, afraid of what were they going to do to him.

"Blaine Anderson. Your death is coming in a while time. There's only one thing that can free you from death, and you can't do it, or find it. The thing that could free you has to do it on his own," a voice boomed.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Blaine asked loudly.

"I'm the greatest demon of all, and I called you to came to have yourself sent to either heaven or hell," the creatures said.

"What? Are you crazy? I don't feel any pain at all so why must I die?" Blaine laughed at them.

"No one makes fun of me! Get him!" the demon's voice reverberated through the whole pit.

Blaine tried to run away but a strong, rigid hand held him in the wrist tightly.

"Brother, don't try to run away, it's useless," Finn said to Blaine.

Blaine looked at everything. This doesn't make sense, he thought. He don't understand why he's here anyways. He had never believed in fantasies on fighting demon's like this but he have to do it.

"What are we gonna do, Finn?" Blaine asked steadying himself.

"Fight 'em. Let's go," Finn said and took a step ahead, ready to strike.

Blaine managed to fight off some demons and prevented them from harming himself but Finn was lying down, sore from being hit. Blaine ran towards Finn, but before he even reached him, he felt like he was being pulled by something, unstoppable.

"I need to be there for Kurt, you can't take me away!" Blaine screamed loudly at the invisible force.

The next thing he knew was that he was on the hospital bed, lying while being hugged by Kurt.

"Noooooooooooooooo!" Blaine screamed as he woke up in sweat.

He had fallen asleep while he daydreamed.

"Hey, honey, are you having a bad night?" Kurt pouted at Blaine in the dim room.

"Can I change the bandage, I'm sweating too hard," Blaine complained.

Kurt nodded his head and went to the cabinet to take another set of bandages. While he was bandaging Blaine's forehead, he asked him about the dream.

"I don't know, in the dream, Finn kept calling me brother. He didn't even use it in real life. I think he's trying to tell me something," Blaine frowned.

Kurt pfffft-ed at Blaine but after a while, his eyes widened, nearly popping out. He stuttered, trying to say something but he couldn't.

"Kurt, Kurt, are you okay? Kurt!" Blaine asked.

"So t-t-that's t-the reason w-why he tried t-t-to he-help you. S-so that's w-where A-A-Anderson came from," Kurt gasped and shook his head.

"What are you talking about, Kurt?" Blaine narrowed his eyes.

"He's your brother! I saw it in his before birth certificate, his name was Finn Anderson! I thought it can't be real, so I just leave it alone! Then, I remembered Carole telling me that his deceased dad went to change it to a Hudson! I can't believe it, I can't believe everything! He's your brother, Blaine. I've always thought he's originally a Hudson," Kurt gasped.

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