Chapter 8

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The zombie sitting opposite me stirred in greater discomfort. Probably because I scoffed. " He is not what he appears to be." said the crystal. "Look closer to the abdomen region just above his briefcase. It is well conceived rotten flesh, and bones. But below his lap, or the area under the briefcase holds actual flesh and vessels of blood. The 'thing' you are looking at is a monster doppler. This thing is considered a threat. They are goons for hire." was the continuation to the first sentences. "They act uncomfortable if they are near their targets!" exclaimed the crystal. "Especially if their target looks at it." I turned my head down and stared at the crystal.

Suddenly, there was a screeching halt. The stop made everything fly around. I undoubtedly felt myself lift off the ground. But I did not fall back down. Then I realized that there was the presence of sharp and hostile talons around my neck, carrying me higher and higher. the talons dug into my neck, making me drip blood. My vision was getting blurred by the second. I couldn't help but get breathless. But I soon realized that the presence of those talons weren't keeping hold of my neck anymore. I was falling. I flailed around midair and waited for the impending doom which awaited me down at the halted train line, but the fall seemed to be getting slower.

I did not know what was happening. Was I actually falling slower or was my life slowing down to make me survive for some more time so that I wouldn't completely have to face my untimely death. Then I looked around, and saw giant white wings, shining under the light of the sun. I was gliding! "These wings are one your own powers" said the crystal. I cheered in the air. Let out a loud "woo-hoo" because I was a human, flying, with wings, in the air. This is a dream come true for many, many other humans.

I saw dad and Jaime staring at me with their mouths hanging wide open. " H-How are you doing this" asked Jaime. " I don't know but it is absolutely amazing." I shouted back, momentarily forgetting that I could just think back the answer to him. "Your powers are great, master. It is up to you and me to find out the extent to which your powers exist." was the reaction the crystal let on to after my miraculous wings sprouted.

After about another 15 minutes of gliding in the air, I stood, back in the train, while being stared at by everyone. The wings had gone, dissolved into my own skin, probably waiting for a chance to be awoken again. Dad looked at me with wonder full in his eyes and asked, aloud,"So you hold your own powers without the crystal! Huh, never thought that such a powerful master would be alive in my generation, let alone be my relative." was dad's overall reaction. I just laughed in return. Dad proceeded to give me a hug. "No wonder that monster doppler was after you. You posses the power to end all threats that have been foreshadowed by Orvax to attack the city." continued dad.

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