Chapter 28

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I looked back to see the Tiara and then dad and Orvax behind here, trying to understand where I am heading. But I am not done. I turn back and then quickly think out "thanks" and then start running again towards the hole in the wall. I bet that the others weren't exhilarated at the fact of having to run more. But I don't care. I reached the hole in the wall, and then thought, "Crystal give me super speed and maintain my connection with Orvax and Dad. I then received an unwanted answer. "Zzzz." apparently sleeping is what everyone is doing. "Wake up." I think. "Please!" and then I can feel the annoyed presence of the crystal get up. 

"I need super speed and I need you to maintain the mental connection with Dad and Orvax." I say, and receive a derogatory murmur and then, "Fine!" and I could hear Dad and Orvax's thoughts. Dad was thinking, "My fault. If only.... Who is in my thoughts!" I stammered, then realized I would need to think it and then think, "Me, Syl." "Oh. Learn privacy please Syl." said Dad, acting completely unlike him.

I didn't talk to Orvax as I could feel his understanding presence, and realized he knew we were connected. Then I ran out in super speed, knowing that I was being tailed by Dad, Orvax and Tiara. I ran out and then stumbled on something. I tripped and rolled over for like half a kilometre. Then when I got up, I looked back to see Jaime. And Dao behind him. The 'thing' I stumbled on is Jaime's foot. I looked back and tried to hide my up roaring anger. I looked at Jaime and grit my teeth. I then shouted out, while still looking at Jaime, "Dao, stay out of this. I will deal with you later. Jaime is mine to destroy and not yours or the sentinels." By saying this I surprised myself and Jaime. Dao just snickered. "As amusing that sounds, I need Jaime. Sadly, I would have preferred you, but Jaime is working for now. Now, give up your crystal." said Dao.

"Oh, he doesn't know!" said Dao, while clutching his stomach and laughing like he had gone crazy, I mean gone more crazy. "That crystal, the yellow one on your neck, is the chosen one's crystal, but also the sentinels. How do you think the chosen one has so much power. They receive a crystal that grants that power to them!"

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