Chapter 16

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I quickly summoned my crystals presence and questioned as to whether I could breach the magic operating on the door.  The crystals answer was short," This magic power goes beyond both you and I. I am sorry. No one can open it." I sighed. I sat down, hidden in the corner opposite the door. This corner was a great hiding spot because there was the broken ledge that had fallen down from the ceiling, and it was dark. The ledge was almost big enough to cover me while I was sitting, and the darkness made it practically impossible to see me. "See you from human eyes" said the crystal. That is when my anxiety kicked in. The creatures out there may have some sort of night vision. Or maybe, they have an extraordinary sense of smell. No one would ever know, because the people who found out about these facts might surely be dead and digested by now.

I tried to stay vigilant, looking around the the other corner, twisting my neck a little bit to see the pathway behind my corner, but I could not see a thing. Then I remembered that even master have heightened senses. I again summoned my crystal and asked him to help me heighten my senses for the night. "THE NIGHT! That will drain most of your life force, you will be on the cusp of death!" answered the crystal. "Well, if I do not have those senses for the whole night, I will not know if any creature is aware of my presence, and thus, will have higher chances of dying!" I thought back. "Hmm, that is an accurate analogy of your- our current situation. Very well then" he answered, and I suddenly got the heightened sense of seeing. 

I thought that currently this is useless. I told my crystal to remove, temporarily, my better sense of seeing, as it would not help me. I told him that I needed the sense of hearing and smell, simultaneously. In a matter of seconds, I could hear every footstep of every monster in the pathways. The sense of smell helped me confirm their locations, not the exact location, but in a remote width of a meter. All of them were trying to break into one door. If I remembered correctly, that door, was Orvax's room and lab. Monsters trying to break into the most knowledgeable masters room is not a good sign.

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