Chapter 35

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My jaw dropped. "4000 giants!" I thought. My crystal chuckled nervously and said, "I am in danger." over and over. I wanted to say something to console him. Say something. But nothing came to my mind. I wanted to know when Orvax would arrive here. It was not looking good. Even if Orvax came with all the masters, we would still be hilariously outnumbered. And that would also mean that the mastery will be torn down to rubble. So instead of the giants outnumbering us by 4 to 1, they will now outnumber us by around 1000 to 1, and if Jaime helped us, then 800 to 1. Still didn't look good. That would mean each of us would need to take on 800 people, and that still leaves Dao. Dao can be considered as at least 50 of them, and at that point all of us will be tired, at the verge of collapsing due to our crystals draining us along with us doing our own work. And this all stood on if Jaime helped us, which is a chance of like 0.5%. Not good.

"Where are you at?" said Orvax. "Watch out! Don't come in through the main entrance." I warned. "Why? We can take a few giants Syl." was his candid reply. "Then just fly past it and look at the sight, under high secrecy." I just said. "Haha, sure Syl. Nothing can scare me, I have seen everyth-" was the abruptly ended sentence by Orvax. "Got why?" I said. There was no reply. "You got a count?" he grimly asked. "4000" I answered. "Jaime. We have to try something to get you out of there. You need to-" I interrupted him, "We ain't getting out of here. Not today. We are done running. No more. If you'll are here, it is to help fight, not help run." I said. "Open your mind Syl. Clear all the pained thoughts in your mind. Clear all thoughts except for the ones that give you happiness. Pride. Love. Remove all heartache and rage and pain." he said.

I scoffed and tried. All the thoughts of rage flashed past my eyes. Dad being missing for so many years, his existence being of knowledge to only Jaime. Jaime backstabbing the whole region, and possibly the Earth region too. Dao constantly feeding on my patience. All gone. Next came pain and heartache. Dad's face when he realized that Jaime was in cahoots with Dao. My crystals hopelessness at his life because of some stupid prophecy. Worst of all, Mom's whole existence in shambles, as she feels that her children ran away from her, same as her husband. That last thought was the worst to shake off. There was no way I could let go of that. Mom is in pain. Everyone else could die for all I care. Mom is what matters. Nothing else. Then I felt a pat on my shoulder, and the thought was lost. I turned to see Dad's hand resting on my shoulder. Then he whirled me around and hugged me.

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