really bad boy | three

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you felt yunho's hand on your thigh tighten slightly and you give him a curious glance to see him glaring at something in front of you. that something turned out to be a someone that you recognize from your chemistry class.

"oh, han right?" you asked, the boy smiled at you and you returned the gesture with a smile of your own. "what's up?"

"umm... well i wanted to give this to you," he says, a hint of nervousness in his voice, as he holds out a white envelope for you. "h-happy valentine's day!" he says once you take it and then dashes off.

you look at the envelope before glancing at yunho who was busy glaring in the direction han ran off in. rolling your eyes, you open the envelope to see a cute valentine's day card inside with one of those cheesy dog-related lines as a picture of a dog was on the front.

"why did you open it?" yunho asked, the distaste clear in his voice.

"because it would be rude not too," you answered back.

☓ ☓ ☓

people had been giving cards and candy since this morning. you thought yunho was going to have a stroke when three more guys showed up and handed you valentine's day cards plus chocolate – which he grumpily took and ate.

afterwards, you had left the library and yunho to head to your next class and on the way two girls stopped you and handed you cards before running off blushing. when you got to your class, you spotted seonghwa already in his usually seat and made your way over to him.

"hi babe," you greet and kiss his cheek as you sit down. you get your stuff out and ready for when the professor comes in and that's when seonghwa notices a small pile of envelopes in front of you and takes them. "hey what are you doing?" you ask noticing him looking through the cards people had given you.

"where did these come from?" he questions with furrowed brows.

"people have been giving them to me," you say gently taking them from him and putting them in your bag. "don't act like you haven't gotten any today," you say, both your hands finding one of his.

"i don't accept them though."

"well i'm not as mean as you. you know how much courage it takes for people to give their crush a card and on valentine's day no less," you reply with raised eyebrows to which he only huffs out a laugh as a smirk is drawn onto his face.

"don't accept anymore or else you get tweedle dee and tweedle dumb all jealous," he warns and you make a dissatisfied face in return. "don't make that face at me," he scolds using his free hand to pinch your cheek right before your professor comes in and you turn your full attention to them.

☓ ☓ ☓

let's just say by the time you got done with classes, you had a bag full of valentine's day stuff. you could already imagine the jealousy storm that will happen when you get home.

"ah damn, i'm gonna have to deal with those two for the next two months. curse me for being so nice!" you scold yourself as you lean against the elevator wall.

you walk out of the elevator and pull your keys out as you walk to your apartment door. the door isn't even opened yet and you can heard the muffled dolphin that's in your living room. you open the door before stepping inside, taking off your jacket and shoes, and walking into the main area to be greeted by your five out of eight boyfriends.

setting your bag to side, you immediately dive for the closest male's lap. arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as you greet him with a long kiss.

"did you miss me that much baby? was last night not enough for you?" hongjoong teases as he smiles at you, his hand running up and down your thigh.

"maybe," you say back before the two of you kiss again.

"hey, y/n, where did you get this flower?" san ask after he had stood and made his way over to you and hongjoong. fuck the flower, you thought as you closed your eyes, remembering someone had given it to you in your world literature class. you had place it behind your ear because you thought it looked cute.

"o-oh, umm, someone gave it to me in world literature my class," you explain.

"yah, someone gave you a flower even while almost everyone on campus knows you're taken?!" he exclaims, shock clearly written all over his face.

"sannie, please don't excited over this. it's just valentine's day, everything will go back to normal tomorrow," you say, trying but failing to reassure san.

"did other people give you stuff today!?" wooyoung is the one to question you know as he stands from his spot in the couch. you internally roll your eyes at the mess these two are starting to cause, glancing at your two other boyfriends in the room, yeosang and yunho, who remain silent. yunho's eyes focused on your form as yeosang doesn't even bother with you all. you feel hongjoong's arm snake around your waist as he pulls you closer to him.

"mine," you hear him mumble and you let out a huff.

"yes, other people gave me cards and chocolates and i took them all because i knew i would have felt guilty about it later on. but why should you all get so worked up about this stupid holiday anyways? you get stuff all the time from your fangirls, and boys, and i don't ever say anything about it," you say looking straight at wooyoung and san, who pout as they look down at the floor.

you smile as you move away from hongjoong, you kiss both wooyoung and san's cheeks before you go over and cuddle up next to yeosang.

the blonde male turns to you and smiles at you as he watches you take the flower out of your hair and place it into his. "i never got to say thank you for the flower, sangie," you say as you lean over to kiss him.

the four other males' jaws drop in shock at what you said while you and yeosang laugh at their faces.

"yeosang gave you that flower?! you said someone in your world literature class gave it you!" yunho exclaims as he straightens his position from where he's sitting.

"yeosang's in my world literature class. did you guys forget that?" you say before said male wraps an arm around you.

"and what did you all get her for valentine's day? or did you not get her anything?" yeosang questions smugly and you two watch as the four males race around the apartment before dashing out the front door.

&&. 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗬. ( ateez )Where stories live. Discover now