2:O9 pm | j.yh

508 18 2

you had always walked past the cute cafe on when you were on your way home from school. you always thought how simple and comforting the place was and you considered going in many times.

however, one look in and you could see how busy it usually way and you decided that maybe next time for sure! you couldn't handle crowded places and always felt bad for the workers that had to deal with the rush of possible angry and/or tired college students or mean moms who just picked their kid up from school.

walking past the large glass windows, you peered inside to see it wasn't busy like usually but there was still quite a few people. you felt pace slow as you considered if you want to go in or not and you were about to when your eyes landed on the worker at the register who was currently taking someone's order. his soft eyes looked up to where you were and you felt your heartbeat pick up.

he smiled at you making your eyes widen and face heat up and you quickly speed walked away down the street and to your apartment.

next time for sure, you think once you're inside your apartment.

the next day you find yourself thinking nonstop about the barista you saw. how his whole persona reminded you of a puppy with how softly his eyes shined and how sweet his little smile was. you also find yourself regretting not going inside, but at the same time you knew you wouldn't have been able to talk because of how handsome the barista was.

you let out a sigh as you think about how weird you must have looked after running away when you mad eye-contact with the guy. maybe i should find a new route home, you think, your eyes trained to ground as you walked.

without noticing you run into someone, nose smashing a little too hard into their back causing you to bounce back and fall. thankfully you fell on your butt, but your hands had scrapped against the sidewalk making you wince at the pain.

"oh my god, are you okay?" the deep is soft as it snaps you out of your thoughts and you look up to notice the barista from yesterday kneeling down next you. his eyes full of concern as he looks at you.

"i– uh, i'm fine. i'm sorry, i wasn't, um, paying attention," you say and inwardly cringe at how nervous you sound.

"well i shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the sidewalk," he says, a small laugh leaving his lips. "here, let me help you up," he says standing up and holds a hand out for you.

not wanting to be rude, you reach out to take his hand only to wince once more when your hand comes in contact with his. his eyes widened at the sound that leaves your lips. he manages to pull you and quickly turns your hands over to look at your palms to see them scraped up with tiny rock from the sidewalk embedded slightly into your hands.

"here let me take you inside so i can clean your hands up," he says pulling you in the direction of the cafe's front door.

"u–uh, n-no it's okay! you don't need to do that!" you try to say but the barista doesn't listen and only drags you along inside. he takes you to the staff only room and sets you down in a chair before quickly leaving to grab a first aid kit.

"now, it might sting a little bit, okay?" he ask after having come back and sat down next to you. one hand resting gently on top of his as he brings a cleaning swab down onto your palm. a small wince slips past your lips and he lets a small apologize before continuing.

after he finishes the first hand, he starts on the second one and you let your eyes flicker over how handsome he looked whilst concentrating on cleaning your hand. your eyes trailed down to his name tag and you note that even his name is cute.

"yunho..." you trail out without thinking causing the male to look up at you. you blush realizing you said his name and yunho can't help but laugh at how cute you look.

"well now that you know my name, it would only be fair if i knew yours," he says, a small grin on his face as he looks you in the eyes.

"y-y/n," you stutter out and you watch his smile grow.

"cute, just like you," he says before letting you hand go. "alright! your hands are all cleaned up!" he says. you are quick to stand up and take a step away from him as you thank him. yunho only smiles at you as he stands up as well.

"i should probably go now," you say as you start to turn to walk out of the staff only room, but yunho stops you.

"let me walk you out," he doesn't give you an option as he walks over to the door and holds it open for you.

"you know, i see you walk by all the time. you should definitely think about coming in one day, my treat!" yunho tells you, an excited look on his face.

"o-oh, i-i don't kn–

"promise me, okay?" he cuts you off.

"um, okay," you answer. yunho then holds out his pinky for you and sigh at how far he's going to make sure you keep your promise. you do allow your pinky to link with his sealing the promise and yunho grins at you before you unhook pinkies.

"i'll see you tomorrow, y/n!" he says before walking back inside the cafe and you to walk back to your apartment with a smile on your face.

"tomorrow for sure."

&&. 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗬. ( ateez )Where stories live. Discover now