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Two years.

We've been traveling the world for two years wiping out small groups of dog men. It's gotten harder tho. They are in large groups now.

Apparently the drug got out before we were born. They didn't know the side effects until us. The scientist that made it ran off with the formula and sold it to anyone with the cash. These Dog Men are everywhere.

Today we are going after the largest compound yet. 300 Dog Men against 4 trained warriors... I'm not sure it's a fair fight... for them. The thing that still haunts us is the kids. Who would turn children into this? It seems so... wrong.... they killed them when they took the drug. It's not our fault... but it is something I have to live with. One thing is for certain. I'm never having kids. I can't pass this on to them. I won't create another monster.

"Mission details!" Father yells as he enters the conference room.

"Big day boys! You've taken care of the smaller groups so now it's time for a challenge!" He smiles as he hands out the folders on out next target.

"You can drive to this one... just across the border in Mexico... at least 300 strong. Walled compound. Guarded... but you are the Dog Boys! Most powerful team out there!" He says. We cheer knowing its true we are powerful... I just can't wait until this is over. Once we end the Dog Men everyone will be safe.

"We can head out tomorrow." I say standing. "A full on assault may not be our best option this time... we should try to infiltrate under a flag of peace."

"No." Father says standing up and walking towards me. "You know the rules. No contact. No prisoners. No survivors."

"Its a safer option!" I argue.

"No Titan! The rules are there for a reason! You do not communicate with the Dog Men! They are crazy and irrational! Take them out! That's an order!" He yells at me.

"Yes commander." I growl at him. He looks away with a sigh.

"I'm sorry Titan." He places a hand on the back of my neck and looks me in the eye. "I'm just looking out for you son... it's for the best... I'm trying to protect you all... they are unpredictable and insane. You can't trust them. If you go in unarmed they will kill you... I couldn't take that boy... you need to be safe."

"Yes father." I hug him... the closest family I have. My brothers and my father.

"Let's go boys... we leave at sun up." At that we prepare for tomorrow. Our biggest mission yet.


"Come on Titan loosen up! This is the big one! We can prove ourselves! The missions have been so easy so far." Anhur says bouncing up and down in the back seat of the truck.

"Nothing is easy about what we do." Odin grumbles from the front.

"Geeze man! It's not like I like killing people! But if we all tortured ourselves like you do we'd have committed suicide after the first mission." Anhur argues.

"Maybe we should have... I'm starting to think we are the bad guys here." Odin whispers.

"Listen to me Odin." I say and he turns back to look at me. "We are protecting our country... the human race! They chose this. They are dangerous human weapons. We are doing what's right! You are not leaving us! You are our brother! When this is all over we can sit back and beat ourselves for what we've done but for now we are on mission. If we fail people die."

"What ever Titan." He mumbles.

"Don't what ever me! This is life and death! Our lives! If you're heads not in it you could get us killed!" I yell at him.

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