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Every dream was about my beautiful Mate. I want her so bad but I am keeping control. I get dressed and head out for morning training.

"Alright! Same as yesterday! Start running!" I order everyone complies. I watch them run completely unfocused.

"You alright Gamma?" Beta Malak asks.

"Not at all... but I'm keeping it together. I should be fine as long as.." I start.

"Asher." She stops me. I growl "talk to me please?!"

"Beta." I say with a clenched jaw. "You wanted to punch me? Do it now."

"Its no fun if you want me to." He responds.

"Knock me out before I do something I'll regret." I growl walking towards Emily unable to stop myself.

"Stop now Gamma!" Beta Malak orders. I growl tackling my mate ready to mark her.

Before I can bite her I am pulled off by two warriors.

"I'm sorry Asher." The Beta says. A sudden fist to my temple and darkness takes over.


I wake up in a hospital room.

"Morning sunshine!" Beta Malak greets me.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Alpha's house... but..." He responds.

In a second I am off the bed and out the door. I hear an "oh crap!" Behind me followed by feet but I cant stop. I need her.

"Stop now!" A guard orders as I approach the house. I ignore him so he grabs my shoulder in an attempt to stop me. With a growl I snap his forearm with enough force that the fractured bones puncture his skin. His screams alert the other two men.

"What the?!"


They yell trying to tackle me. I punch the first one knocking him out. The other one hits me and we fall to the ground. I am quickly on top of him beating him bloody.



I jump off the man taking my mate in my arms.

"Mate." I repeat ready to mark her.

I can't think straight all I can focus on is her being mine. I nuzzle into her neck but as I open my mouth to make the mark I am pulled away and held in a iron grip.

"STOP!" The King commands but I am to far gone for it to have an affect on me as I fight for release. "Doc!" He yells and with a sharp pain in my neck a burning sensation floods my body and I am greeted by darkness once again.


"About time you woke up!" The doctor says as I open my eyes.

My mind is thankfully clear. I can't believe I was going to mark her!

"Hello Asher." The King says as he enters the room. "Glad to see you feeling better."

"Thank you sir... I'm sorry about all of this... how long was I out?" I ask.

"Its not your fault pup... we were starting to think the mark wouldn't fade. It usually takes two to three days but we've had to keep you sedated for a week." He tells me.

"A week!?" I yell amazed. "What about the training?"

"Malakai stuck to the schedule you put in place. He tells me they have improved substantially." He says.

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