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I'm up early letting my wolf run through the woods.

"You haven't given me this much control since I took over your human form."

"Is my wolf complaining?"

"On the contrary, human... thank you. We may not agree on our future but thank you for the time you've given me with mate."

"I like her too man... I'm happy she accepted this... now shut up and run! I'm taking back control soon so enjoy this."

"Will do!"

I feel my paws hit the damp earth as I run. It is amazing. To actually enjoy this form is a blessing. For so long I saw it as a curse so this just feels... right.

"Asher, I need to speak with you in my office." The king mind links me.

"On my way, sir." I quickly respond turning back home. I shift dress and make my way to the Alpha's office.

"You called." I say as I enter.

"Have a seat. I'm sorry for my son. He had no right to speak to you that way." He says and I take a seat opposite him at the desk.

"Unfortunately he did. He didn't lie. I'm sure many hold his opinions of me." I tell him.

"What are you doing pup?" He asks.

"I don't understand." I respond.

"You are with Emily. You plan to mate her. Yet you still want to kill yourself." He explains.


"People are everywhere, Asher. I hear everything. It's not that hard to put together." He says.


"So what are you doing?" The king repeats his question.

"She knows... she knows everything yet she chose me." I say.

"You are going to hurt her... don't do this son. You have so much to live for. Don't throw it all away because of your guilt." He says.

"Are you going to stop us? Forbid the ceremony?" I ask ignoring his pleas.

"No... as much as I hate it Emily is grown. If I forbid it she will just mark you on her own and I'm not confident you could resist her a second time. I want to be there for my daughter... I just hope you change your mind. In spite of your past you are a good man, Asher. She loves you. Think about her please... don't hurt my baby." He begs me. He looks like he's about to cry.

"I'll do my best sir." I say.

"Good... well after last night your mate decided to move up the ceremony." He tells me.

"What?! When?" I ask.

"Today... take the day. I had a suit placed in your room. Be ready and in the banquet hall at 5 tonight." He tells me.

"Umm.. thank you sir... where's Emily?" I ask. He chuckles.

"In her room upstairs. I let her move back to the pack house." He says and I look to the door. "Go boy. Talk to your mate." I get up and run out the door.

It is now 0700. I doubt she is even awake yet. I open her door and slip in. As expected she is out like a light. Half covered in a blanket lying on her stomach one leg straight the other knee bent to its extreme she sleeps with her arms under her head. Beautiful.

"Are you gonna just stare at me all morning?" She mumbles not opening her eyes.

"You know why I'm here." I tell her.

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