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"So Mr. Gamma... you are a part of my pack now." Emily says as she eats a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"Yes." I respond. She gits a mischievous grin.

"Hi ya mate!" She links to me and I jump. Oh yea same pack same link. She starts to bounce up and down as she sees by my face that I heard her.

"Hello Emily." I link back.

"I'm gonna have fun with this!" She links.

"We are in the same room I don't think that is necessary." I tell her.

"I know but now it will be harder for you to push me away since I can link you... oh! And you're not an Alpha anymore so you can't command me... I think I'm gonna like this new Gamma version of my mate." She grins at me.

"Mate thinks things through more than you... and she's a little pushy you are in trouble human. She won't let you leave her." My wolf loves this side of her.

"What am I doing! I can't let her get attached! I plan on dying soon and she can't get hurt! I need to leave."

"You what? I thought you were over killing yourself! What about the pack!  You are Gamma now! That should stop you from killing yourself think of what's best for the pack!"

"You know what? I am! The pack needs me to train them and I will until the war. Then I will take care of my brothers and allow myself to be killed. Since I believe it is in the best interest of the pack my Gamma commitment doesn't stop me."

"Don't do it human! We could have a good life! With mate!"

"The decision is made... and don't think I don't know you ratted me out with the king! I woke up with the same energy drain as when you took over and he knew what I was trying to do. It's not that hard to put together. I hope you enjoyed it Wolfie because I'm not letting my guard down again. You will stay locked up tight when ever we are in human form. You will not tell the king I plan to die!"

"Stupid Human!"

He tunes me out but honestly I'm glad for it.

"Asher are you okay? You kinda zoned out on me." Emily asks looking concerned.

"I'm fine... listen. I need to go... we really shouldn't spend a lot of time together... I don't want to hurt you and if you get attached to me that's what will happen. I care to much about you to hurt you." I explain to her.

"No... you can't do this again. I am your mate. You say you care about me and don't want to hurt me? Well this is hurting me!" She is getting angry so I decide to leave and head back to my room.

"I'm sorry... good night." I say but she follows me out.

"No! Just talk to me Asher!" She yells as I walk upstairs.

"No. I can't have you getting attached to me." I say walking into my room. As I go to shut the door she slips in. "Please Meme." I begin to beg. "If you get attached to me it will hurt you when I'm gone."

She pushes me against the door and standing on her tiptoes kisses me. All thought left me and I find myself wrapping my arms around her resting my hands on the small of her back. She locks her fingers in my hair and lowers herself from her toes pulling my head down with her. I need a haircut my buzz cut has grown out far to much.

"Dude Seriously! Mate is kissing us and you are thinking about your hair?! Focus! Plus Mate seems to like being able to grab our hair."

We continue to kiss a moment longer before she pulls away. All I want to do is dive back in but she begins to speak.

"I'm already attached you moron." She says then grabs the door knob and slips out leaving me slack jawed.

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