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"What?...hu?" I wake up groggy.

I can't move. When I look down at my body I see straps holding me to the bed. I am in a large white room with a few cots lined up. Large windows let in the sun and give me a view of a seemingly endless forest.

"Hey!" I yell as best I can with my dry throat.

"Here drink." Someone says putting a straw in my mouth. I suck down the water quickly.

"Thank you." I croak throat still dry.

"I need to get the king he wanted to know when you wake." The young girl scurries out.

I feel... weak... so very weak... my eyes slide closed and when I open them the room is dark... how long have I been in here? My eyes close again.

Next thing I see is a bright light as a doctor shines it in my eyes.

"Mornin' pup." He says as I try to move.

"Good Morning Doctor." I respond I'm drained but clearer mentally.

"How do you feel?" He asks. I try to touch my head only to remember I am strapped to the bed.

"Like I got run over by a truck... after running three marathons and falling out a window." I answer.

"So a normal Tuesday?" I look to see the owner of the voice.

"Good morning Alpha King." The doctor says bowing.

"You must be hungry... it's been over a week. We had to keep sedating you to help with the pain." The King tells me unstrapping one of my hands. He slides a table over me that has a tray of food on it that I hadn't previously noticed.

"Thank you, Alpha." I still don't like this Alpha thing but it's better than calling him my king I guess... plus I don't want to anger him... at least not until I'm sure I can escape.

I begin to eat. I don't like the way this man smiles at me. Why is he so happy? I'm a prisoner here.

"Not a problem boy... glad to see you feeling better..." he props his feet on the end of my bed and leans back crossing his arms. "Have you heard a voice in your head yet?" What the?

"I'm a genetic freak and a murderer but I'm not crazy." I tell him. Why would he think I hear voices?

"Let me know when you do... it doesn't make you crazy... all wolves hear a voice in their heads... now that that crap is out of your system... well your wolf should come back to you soon." He says.

"You're nuts!" I respond spitting some of my food.

"Just keep an open mind... listen to him when he comes back. he's been locked up for a long time... I think he can help you understand what I'm telling you... well pup." He stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I need to get back to work... rest up we'll talk later." With that he turned and walked to the door. He stopped and started talking to a guard. He told him to strap me back down once I'd finished eating.

He acts so nice but he still doesn't trust me... I don't blame him but getting out of here would be easier if he did. I eat slowly trying to think of a way to escape. Having a hand free I could undo my binds but not with this guard watching.

"Do you smell that?" I ask him as a wonderful scent hits my nose. The guard looks around smelling the air. I quickly undo my other hand and one leg before he comes over to me trying to reestablish my confinement. I punch him in the face knocking him out cold and I undo my other leg.

What is that smell? I follow my nose out of this hospital room and down a hallway... where is it? Why do I want it so badly? I turn a corner and see a couple. A young girl and a man hugging her. I can't help the growl that shakes my chest. It is loud and causes the couple to turn and look at me.

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