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"For those of you who don't know I am Asher Frasier your new Gamma. I will be training you for the upcoming war against the hunters. I won't go easy on you so bring your best." I start my speech.

"Shut it pup! We know how to fight!" An older pack member says. I turn to address him when a young teen tears through the crowd drawing my attention.

"You killed her!" The boy lunges at me. I dodge him.

"Who did he kill?" The man from before asks.

"My sister!" He throws a punch and I dodge. "My family!" I dodge a kick. "My pack!" He tries to tackle me but I throw him off. He rolls on the ground and someone helps him up. "He's one of them! I saw him leave my house! He killed her! My baby sister! She was only 10!"

Many gasps cross the crowd. The boy lunges for me but the people hold him back.

"Is it true?" One of them asks.

"Let the boy go." I command.

As soon as he is released he charges.

"Focus." I tell him as he throws a wild punch. "You want to hurt me? Punish me? Make me pay? You need to control your anger." He charges again. Another uncontrolled punch throws him off balance as I dodge him and he growls. "Use your anger as horsepower, don't let it in the driver's seat." He continues his wild attack panting with tears staining his cheeks. "If you let it control you you will never win. Focus on what you are doing." I see the anger bubble up and he starts to shift.

I wait for the nearly 2 minutes it takes for him to shift. That will need to improve. Eventually a black wolf stands before me snarling. He jumps at my throat and I slide under him popping back up onto my feet. "An unfocused wolf is no better than an unfocused human." He rears up and begins slashing at me with his paws. I dive out of the way as his front paws reconnect with the ground. "You won't win with wild attacks." He charges. I dive over his head. landing on his back I put him in a headlock and twist my body so I am on my back with the wolf held tightly on top of me by his throat.

"I can't bring them back. I can't ease your pain. I'm here to train you. If you want I can help you tear down the Bastards who are behind this. When it's all over I'll probably be dead anyway. The question is are you willing to learn from me? Can you tolerate me enough to learn how to kill them? Or will you stay a reckless pup who would probably die in the first wave? The choice is yours." I whisper in his ear. I feel him start to shift so I let go and stand up.

"I'll never forgive you." He hisses.

"I don't expect you to... you want to hit me?" I ask. He just nods with a clinched jaw. I lock my hands behind my back.

"You have 30 seconds. Do your worst pup." I say. He looks shocked a moment. "27... 26..." before the next number comes out of my mouth he is on me. I let him punch, kick, and claw at me until the time is up. When I stand I can feel the bruising on my face. I can taste the blood in my mouth. A few of my ribs are broken. The boy is strong just undisciplined.

"Now as I was saying. We will start with endurance training in human form. They expect you to rely on your wolf... let's surprise them. I want you running laps. Don't stop until 0700 then get breakfast. Shifting training will start at 1300 and run until 1500 wolf endurance at 1900 until 2000. I assume that one won't need to much work." I explain.

"We do two a days not three!" Someone yells.

"Not any more." I respond.

"We know how to shift pup!" An older one yells. It is the same man from before and he is starting to tick me off. "I've been shifting since before you were born!"

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