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"What's our next mission?" I ask father as we storm into his office.

"Slow down Titan you boys need time to grieve." Father says.

"No we need to rip the throats out of every dog in existence for what they did to our brother!" Aries yells.

"You need a break." Father argues.

"We don't need a break. We need to break the necks of everyone who thinks this is okay! Everyone responsible for his death! Every dog man!" Anhur growls.

"Titan control your men!" Father looks to me.

"You heard them father. We want revenge. Are you going to help us with that or do we need to toss your office to get our next target?" I ask him.

"Southern California... it is a large group... you need to rest first! I don't want to lose you boys too!" Father says handing me a folder.

"We'll rest when it's done!" I say and we run out.

"It will take over a day to drive there." Aries tells me.

"Then we better get going... I'll take first turn at the wheel. You rest and we can drive non stop." I respond sitting in the driver's seat.

"Sounds good." Aries says leaning his head against the window.

"You too Anhur. Get some rest." I tell him as he climbs in the back seat.

"Yes sir!" He says laying across the seat.

I drive most of the way before Aries gets my attention with a hand on my shoulder.

"You're no good to us exhausted... let me take over. Get a couple hours sleep." He says.

"Fine." I pull over and we swap seats.

My body fights sleep as the sunlight streams through the window. I'm still on an anger induced adrenaline high so that doesn't help either. Eventually I must have drifted off because I am awoken by Aries shaking me.

"We're here... you ready for this?" He asks. I rub my eyes and look at him.

"Let's do this!" I say with a nod.

We hadn't taken the time to plan before driving here so we gather around the hood of the truck examining the file.

"It looks more like an apartment complex than a wolf man camp! I mean it's in the middle of a town!" Anhur says looking at the pictures.

"They are walled off tho so no humans will see us shift once we break in." I tell him.

"They aren't deaf Titan someone is likely to call the cops." He argues.

"You're right... no guns we can't risk human involvement... but this could be to our advantage. They can't patrol around the outside boarders. They will all be within the walls." I explain.

"We should go in as one... back to back and just rip through them. If we can't kill the guards before climbing separating seems foolish." Aries advises. They both look to me for a decision.

"Good call Aries let's do it... I'll take point." I say and we make our way to the target.

We jump the wall no problem but as soon as we are over people start rushing us. We keep in formation as we work our way into the center of the area. Farther away from the walls means less likely for humans to hear.

We are surrounded and at this point I nod to my men and we all change and start tearing apart every being we come across. Out of nowhere a wolf slightly larger than me jumps for Anhur and I pounce knocking him away before he can make contact. As I fought the wolf I didn't realize he was pulling me away from my men. Until a large man steps out.

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