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"So you made up." Beta Malak says as we continue training. They are getting better. Soon I will be able to have some of them learning ho to use a quick shift in a fight. That's when training will get fun.

"How?" I ask.

"My little niece is beaming at you... and she invited me to the ceremony. One week?! You move fast pup." He grins at me.

"Oh... yea. That was Emily's decision." I say.

"I assumed... you treat her right. That's all I care about... welcome to the family Asher." He says shaking my hand.

"Thank you Beta." I say.

"You can call me Malak."

"Thanks Malak."

"Tho you should probably take her and talk to Alic... you know before the rumor mill gets to him." He says.

"Crap!... can you..." I start and he just laughs.

"Go pup... take her and run if you want to avoid the wrath of the Alpha King... oh and your soon to be Father in law." He says.

"Thanks Malak!" I run through the men shifting into their wolves and grab Emily.

"Ash! Let me get dressed first!" She yells. I set her down and she slides on her shorts. They all have vests now so everyone is covered but I still hate that she insists on participating in this training. I pick her up and run to the pack house to the Alpha's office.

"About time you two get here." He says as we walk in.

"Sorry sir... I didn't realize we were telling people yet." I say looking down at Emily.

"I only told a few people." She defends herself.

"I'm happy for you two." The Alpha says.

"But you should have been told first and for that I am truly sorry sir." I apologize again.

"I'm fine with it Asher... My Mate on the other hand is upset she wasn't informed first... and that she hasn't met her newest son yet." He says.

"Extend my apologies to her as well, sir." I respond.

"Tell her yourself. You are having dinner at my house tonight." He tells me.

"Ummm... yes sir." I gulp. What if she hates me?

"Don't worry boy she won't kill you... but don't be late... just in case. Dinners at 6:00." He grins.

"Yes sir."

"Daddy back off. Momma is the sweetest and she will love you." Emily says pecking my cheek.

"Alright run along you two." The Alpha says sitting back at his desk.

"Bye daddy!" Emily calls as she pulls me out.

"Really she will love you." Emily tells me as we walk outside.

"I hope so." I sigh.

"So does that mean you've changed your mind? You know since you care what she thinks... are you gonna stick around?" She asks. I grab her arm and pull her around the house where no one can see us pinning her against the wall.

"Listen Emily. I told you, you won't change my mind! Except that or break this off. I'm done lying to you and pushing you away but if you can't handle my decision reject me now and save yourself the pain." I tell her. She sighs and wraps her arms around my neck.

"And I told you I'm not going anywhere, idiot. I do hope you will change your mind but I'm not going to push you. Just be with me until the end. That's all I ask." She responds.

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