10. What Doesn't Kill Me

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[Camila's POV]

I can't believe he just kissed me in front of everyone, I can literally see my mom staring at me from the corner of my eyes. She doesn't seem mad at all, but maybe a little hurt I never talked to her about it. After we finish eating, Shawn and Zayn go to town buy something my mom asked as Karen and Aaliyah go to one of the neighbours' house, so I lay down on the couch while I check something on my phone. I feel someone sit next to me and when I look up I see my mom, so I sit down and stop looking at the screen. I look at her and she has a smile on her face while looking back at me.

 " You seem happy." She says as I feel my smile grow wider.

 " I am." I say looking away but not trying to hide my smile.

 " I want you to know I'm happy you two are together, however, Karen told me what she heard last night on Shawn's room." I feel my cheeks burning and hide my face on my hands. " I know we never talk about sex, but I feel like I can't avoid that anymore."

 " Mom, we really don't have to, at least not anymore." I say with hesitation and watch her face change as she realizes what I just said. " Please don't be mad at me."

 " Honey, I'm not mad at you, just a little surprised." She says taking one of my hands in both of hers. " You just destroyed half of the speech I prepared in my head." She says making me laugh a little.

 " I thought you were going to kill me." I say finally relaxing. " And Shawn."

 " Was this already happening last summer?" She asks curiously. I nod my head looking down at our hands. " Are you two being safe?"

 Just then I see Shawn and my brother getting inside with some paper bags and I'm pretty sure they heard what my mom just asked me.

 " Zayn, darling, could you give me a moment alone with these two?" She says as I hide my face again in embarrassment. " Shawn, come here please."

 Shawn starts walking our direction and mouth a "no" at him, but he still sits next to me.

 " Your mom told me about last night." She says and I'm probably red like a tomato by now. " Camila, look at me. I just want to make sure you two are being safe, you're both too young."

 Neither of us say anything, but I can tell Shawn is less embarrassed than I am, he's probably been through a similar talk before.

 " Karen and I are not stupid, you guys have a lot of freedom in this house, so we can't really control what you do." She says getting up. " We don't want to forbid you of doing anything, but please be responsible."

 She walks out of the living room and I can't even face Shawn after that, so I just lay down hiding my face while my head rest on his lap.

 " That could've gone worse." He says laughing a little at my reaction while his fingers play with my hair.

 " Maybe it would have been better if she just killed me." I say as we both laugh.

 " Hey, look at me. Don't be embarrassed." He says making me sit up again and look at him. " You look really cute when you're blushing." He adds resting a hand on my cheek.

 I feel a smile form on my lips because that makes me blush even more. He closes the space between us with a soft kiss that gives me all kind of butterflies, making me forget how embarrassed I was just a minute ago. When he pulls away I put my hand on his neck and kiss him again, but this time for a little longer. His hand moves from my face to my waist as our lips move slowly against one another. I forget we're in the living room until I hear Aaliyah's voice.

 " I don't know if I like you two together anymore." She says making us pull away. " At least not if you're going to do this all the time in front of everyone."

 " Maybe we should do that more often if it annoys you that much." Shawn says with a smirk in his face.

 He kisses me again, but with much more effort than before. I feel him laying me down in the couch while the kiss gets more intense, but we both smile a little when Aaliyah talks again.

 " Gross! Mom, Shawn and Camila are making out in the couch!" She yells going to the kitchen.

 We pull away laughing at her reaction and Shawn helps me sit up in the couch again.

 " Can I ask you something?" I say now that we're alone again.

 " Sure." He says looking at me.

 " That day I saw you and my brother talking by the pool he seemed a little angry at you. What was that about?"

 " It was about you." He says taking my hand. " He was mad I didn't tell him, but mostly that we were having sex."

 " How did he know that?" I ask confused.

 " He guessed, but he was right." He says looking at our hands. " He said he'll kill me if I break your heart."

 " Then you better not do that." I say quietly.

 " Trust me, I don't plan on doing that." He says looking into my eyes.

 I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him in for a hug. His breath is warm against my neck, making me relax on his arms. This is exactly what I wanted, but I still have this feeling he could break my heart at any moment, and even if he did so I would still come back to him.

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