15. Summer's a Knife

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[Shawn's POV]

 My last night next to Camila is kind of hard, but I still try to keep it together because of her. We all go to the ice cream shop we usually go the last day of summer, it's already tradition. I know she'll pick a pineapple flavored one, it's her favorite. We all sit in a table and she leans her head on my shoulder while we eat. Everyone seems a bit tense, because both Zayn and I are leaving in a few days, but Aaliyah keeps trying to cheer us up. Once we're back in the house, my mom sees Camila walking into my room with me, but doesn't say a thing. We lay side by side holding hands, but we're both too afraid of saying anything.

 " I don't want tonight to end." She says softly.

 " Me neither." I say laying on my side so I'm facing her, and she does the same. " But it's going to happen, so let's at least have an unforgettable night." I say as my thumb caresses her cheek.

 She smiles at me and run her hand through my hair, pulling me in for a kiss. Our lips meet in the most gentle and soft kiss, and unlike what usually happens, this time we keep it like that. I push her on the bed and settle myself between her legs, while our mouths keep moving in sync, but never rushing. We take our time feeling every kiss, every touch, every moan that escape our lips as our bodies move against one another. Camila holds the hem of my shirt, so I take it off slowly, and then I do the same with hers. I kiss and suck her neck slowly, making my way down her body until I reach her stomach. My hands open her jeans and pull them down her beautiful legs until she's only in her underwear. Just then she reaches for the hem of my pants, that are already tight, unbuttoning and also pulling it down. I make sure to kiss every part of her body while we're still in our underwears, making sure I memorize every inch of her. I pull down the strap of her bra as she unclasp them and let them fall, revealing her perfect breasts. I cup and slightly squeeze one of them in my hands while kissing her, which makes a low moan escape her lips. After exploring each other's body for what it seemed like forever, we finally find ourselves naked as I put a condom on. She pulls me into a delicate kiss while I insert myself into her slowly, earning moans from both of us. I kiss her jawline, her neck, her collarbone, as I move inside her and she wraps her legs around my waist as her nails scratch my back. I don't think we've ever done this so slowly and carefully, it truly feels like a goodbye.

 " Shawn… I love you." I hear her moan on my ear as she reaches her climax, making me reach my own.

 " I love you, Camila." I whisper in her ear as we both breath hard.

 We stay like this for a bit, just holding each other, until I finally pull out. Later, we fall asleep tangled into each other, and I can feel her heartbeat against mine.

Next morning, neither of us want to get up, but we know that we have to. Our suitcases were already organized since yesterday afternoon, so we enjoy the most we can in bed, holding each other and kissing. Sinu knocks on the door saying we're leaving in an hour, so we should go down for breakfast. I get up and put some clothes on so can I get both our suitcases downstairs, and when I come back Camila is wearing her yellow floral dress smiling at me. As we have breakfast I can tell everyone is oddly silent, and once is time to go and the house is all locked down we start saying our goodbyes. Of course I leave Camila to be the last one and when we get close she already has tears rolling down her face.

 " Hey, don't cry." I say as we hug tightly. " If you cry then I'll cry too."

 " I'm sorry." She says now completely sobbing in front of our families.

 I feel tears rolling down my face too and rest my forehead against hers as we look into each other's eyes. I put a lock of her hair behind her ear and cup her face with both of my hands as she wraps her arms around my waist.

 " I love you and I'm going to miss you so much." I say as we both cry.

 She kisses my lips softly and then pull away a little to whisper.

 " I love you, Shawn." She says close to my lips, which I connect to hers quickly again.

 When we finally pull away and get into the cars, I can't even peak outside to look at her. I just rest my head against the window trying to ignore the fact that I have no idea when I'll see her in person again.

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