9. Want You More

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[Shawn's POV]

As I open my eyes I see the most beautiful thing in the world. Camila is laying next to me with her arms around my torso and her head is resting on my chest. She looks even more stunning as the sun gets inside the room lighting her features, and of course the fact that she's wearing one of my shirts, which rolled up a little during night showing she's has no underwear on.

" Are you watching me sleep?" She asks with her eyes closed. " That's creepy."

" I can't help it." I answer as her eyes open slightly. " You're gorgeous in the morning."

" Just in the morning?" She asks smiling at me.

" The rest of the day you're just regular." I say joking.

She slaps my chest and gets on top of me while leaning down to kiss me. As our lips are about to touch she stops like she just remembered something.

" Oh my god! Last night really happened. How am I supposed to face your mom after that?" She says looking genuinely worried.

" You know my mom, she won't say anything about it. Thank god it wasn't your mom or we would be dead by now."

I give her a quick kiss and we get up before my mom finds out she stayed over in my room. She goes to her room take a shower and I decide to do the same. As the water falls down my body I start to remember the talk we had last night. I can't believe I finally admitted how I feel about her, even though I didn't say the exact words. It's even more crazy to think I wanted her at first just for the physical part, however the more time we spent together the more I started to feel the need to be with her all the time, to make her smile. Don't get me wrong, I always thought she was beautiful. Zayn would even tease me when we were younger saying I had a crush on her, but as we were getting older I just couldn't help but notice her body. That's what made me flirt with her at first, but after knowing every little detail of her personality I just couldn't stay away. No other girl had ever had this kind of impact on me, so I was truly terrified at first.

Once summer was over and I went back to San Francisco, I had sex with a lot of girls trying to keep her out of my mind, but nothing seemed to work. All I wanted was to hold her and see her beautiful smile, but I still kept my distance thinking this feeling would fade away if we didn't talk. As this summer was getting closer, all could think about was seeing her, and even though I tried to distract myself with literally anything, my mind would always come back to her.

When I saw her getting out of the car a few days ago it was like my heart was about to explode, I couldn't help but spread the biggest smile across my face. She looked even more perfect than I remembered her to be. At first I was trying to tease her as a way to not having to act on my feelings, but each time I would get more and more close to admit to myself the truth. When I saw her wearing that yellow floral dress I almost passed out, it brought back everything I was trying bury deep inside me. I wasn't kidding last night when I told her yellow is her color, every time I see it I think of her. That's how I see her in my mind: yellow, bright, happy. Her energy can infect me from miles aways, she's the only one that makes me want to smile all the time. I'm still scared of this whole thing, but I just couldn't hold my myself back anymore, not being around her kills me. Even Zayn saw that, it took some convincing but he finally believed I like her for real.


" Zayn, I swear can explain it." I say as he confronts me about Camila.

" You better, because when my mom said she saw you two kissing I knew there was more to it. There's no way you would settle just for some kisses. I know you, Shawn! You were fucking my little sister the whole summer behind my back!" He says with anger.

I see Camila and Aaliyah walking to the beach and she seems to notice there's something happening here, but just looks away.

" It might have been like that at first, but after awhile I just couldn't stay away." I say sitting down in a chair. " And don't get me wrong, but she has the right to have a sex life just as much as you. Stop treating her like some innocent child that needs protection all the time." He looked even more angry after that. " Dude, it's Camila, I don't want to hurt her. I mean it when I say I actually like her."

" I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I believe you." He says after a long silence. " I've never seen you trying half of this to be close of any girl before, so you must really feel something for her. But you have to understand my side, I saw you breaking some girls' hearts before. If you ever do that to her, I'll fucking kill you."

[End of the flashback]

I get out of the bathroom and put some shorts, heading downstairs to eat something. When I walk to the kitchen I see everyone's sitting at the table, except Camila who's trying to take something in the cabinet. She can't reach it because is in the top shelf, so I walk behind her and help her take it. Just then I notice she's wearing nothing but her yellow bikini, which is my favorite.

" Good morning for you too, Shawn!" My mom says drinking her coffee.

" Good morning." I say smiling at my mom while I take a cup of coffee for me too.

I see Camila looking at me while she waits for her toast to be ready, and I almost spill my coffee from staring back at her.

" Why are you two acting like we don't know anything?" Zayn asks breaking us from our little stare contest. " Just kiss already."

That makes everyone look at us and I can see Aaliyah is waiting for us to do something excitedly, she's been asking me about Camila for awhile now. I decide that's the best way to prove to her I'm being serious about what I said last night. I walk to where she is and kiss her before she can even process what's happening. She responds to the kiss but end it quickly, too embarrassed of doing this in front of our moms. They start to clap and I can hear Aaliyah screaming and saying she knew all along, when in reality she was the last one to find out. We sit at the table with them, but nobody asks anything further. As I look at Camila I see the most beautiful smile on her face, and it's an incredible feeling to know I'm the reason why.

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