21. Garden Gate

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[Camila's POV]

 I spend the next morning with Shawn at the beach, and it's like this last year never happened. It feels like we're back again on where we were last summer. In the afternoon, Aaliyah and I go to Olivia's house, and I finally get to hang out with my friend again. We're sitting next to their pool, drinking smoothies made by her mother, as Sabrina and Aaliyah are swimming in the water besides us. I can't help but notice all the little touches and smiles the two of them share, and I think Olivia notices I'm paying attention.

 " So you saw it too?" She asks in a low tone of voice so they won't hear us.

 " You know about that?" I ask surprised.

 " Of course I do, Sabrina tells me everything." She says before sipping on her drink. " I had to caught them for her to admit it, but I've been suspecting for a long time."

 " You caught them?" I ask curiously.

 " Yep, making out on her bed." She says lifting her eyebrows suggestively.

 " I saw them kissing and holding hands last night. I think Aaliyah saw me looking but I'm not sure." I say observing the two girls. " It feels like it was yesterday when she told us she had never kissed anyone."

 " Now you're making me feel old." She says making me laugh.

 I stay there until it's dark, and I thought Olivia would ask about Zayn at some point, but she doesn't. Aaliyah stays there for a sleepover, so I text Shawn to meet me outside because it's already late. We walk back hand in hand, and as we get to the house he leads me to the back door. He guides me to the side garden, under my window, a place that holds a lot of memories in my head.

 " It's been awhile." I say remembering the first we were here.

 " I know, I thought it could be a good restart." He says lifting me up and pinning me against the wall, the same we were two years ago.

 " That's a great idea." I say wrapping my legs around his waist as my hands go to his hair. His lips attack mine as his hands go under my light pink dress. 

 " Maybe we should remake that night." He whispers in my ear.

 I nod my head as one of his hands that were already under the skirt of my dress find my panties. He pushes the fabric to the side and run a finger through my heat as I leave kisses along his jawline. His thumb starts massaging my sensitive nerve as he enters me with two fingers, earning a low moan from me. He still knows exactly how to work my body, the small details that drive me crazy. In a few seconds I'm already coming undone on his fingers as I moan his name a little louder against his ear.

 " Is it weird that the fact that we could be caught at any moment turns me on even more?" I whisper as he holds me awhile I come down from my high.

 " I know it does, that's why I brought you here." He says as we hear someone jumping in the pool.

 He pulls me down to the ground as I adjust my dress in place, so we can walk back to the house. We pass by the pool to see Zayn sitting on the edge and Charlotte in the water. They're talking and don't even notice us passing through the glass door. Our moms are on the couch watching TV, but don't even look at us as we go upstairs. 

 We lay down on Shawn's bed talking about random stuff, but I know we're both thinking about the same thing. I sit up on the bed, placing a hand on his chest and kissing his lips. His hand goes to my thigh and runs up to my waist, pulling me on top of him. I straddle his body as our kisses become more heated, and suddenly he pulls away looking intensely at me. I know he's asking for confirmation that we're going to do this, so I nod my head and kiss him again as I grind against his body. It's been almost a year since we last done this, so somehow it feels like the first time all over again. 

 I pull his shirt over his head and he does the same with my dress, leaving me just in my underwear. Eventually all of our clothes are on the ground, and when I reach for the drawer to get a condom I don't find any. We lost a little time looking for it on his suitcase, so when we do go back to where we were, we have to make out for bit more until he's ready again. I put the condom on him like he taught me last year and he holds my hips, lowering me on him. I try to repress the scream that comes out of mouth as he enters me, but I'm not successful. It's kind of hard to be quiet because it's actually hurting a bit, I mean it's been a year so it makes sense. I stay still as he holds me and run his hand down my spine.

 " Are you okay?" He asks with concern on his voice.

 " Yeah, I think I just have to get used to it again." I say quietly.

 He carefully flip us over on the bed, so he's on top and places sweet kisses all over my face, neck and collarbone, trying to ease my pain. I smile at the sweet gesture and tell him to move. He moves really slow so I can adjust, and right now I do feel like it's the first time again. He changes the pace along the way until I'm feeling pleasure instead of pain. In a short time I feel myself clenching around him as he cums in the condom, and this time I'm better at muffling my moans. I stay over his room and is the most incredible feeling to sleep cuddled up on him once again.

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