25. Drunk in the Back of the Car

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[Camila's POV]

 It's been a month since we first arrived at the house and things are great, not only between Shawn and I, but also with Aaliyah and Sabrina. Karen established some rules for when they have sleepovers, and so did Sabrina's parents, but other than that they have a lot of freedom. They're really cute together and I can see how Olivia is their biggest supporter. I've been splitting my time between Shawn and Olivia, and sometimes we even hang out together the three of us, but she's always saying she feels like a third wheel. Eventually she comes to the house and run into Zayn, but turns out they're good with each other.

 One of Zayn's friends, that lives in the other side of town, is throwing a party tonight and we're all going, even Olivia. She's getting ready here with me and is helping me with my makeup when I ask what I've been dying to.

 " So, are you and Zayn like... still friends? I ask curiously.

 " Yeah, I know is weird, but I'm happy for him." She says applying gloss on my lips. " We became friends besides everything that happened. I thought it would be hard to see them together, but it was easier than I expected."

 I hear a knock on the door and tell whoever it is to get in. I see Shawn opening the door and getting in, he then stares at me as I get up from the chair.

 " We... we should get going." He says still looking at my dress. Olivia laughs at his reaction and walks downstairs, leaving us alone.

 " Did you like it?" I ask teasing him.

 " Sorry, it's just… you look... wow." He manage to get out as I laugh. I'm wearing a very short, tight and strapless black dress that I knew would cause this reaction on him.

 I place a kiss on his lips and takes his hand as we walk downstairs. The five of us take Karen's car, Zayn drives as Charlotte goes in the passenger seat and the rest of us are in the back. It's a twenty minutes drive to the party, and as we get there Zayn parks the car in the end of the street. The house is full of drunk teenagers as we walk in, and the music is so loud we can barely talk to each other. Olivia drags me to dance with her and after awhile I feel thirsty and go look for something to drink. I get myself something to drink and when I go look for Olivia, she's talking and laughing with a really cute guy, so I decide to look for Shawn. I find him with a couple of guys, one of them is Zayn's friend, the owner of the house.

 " Hey." I say wrapping my arms around his torso.

 " Hi." He says placing his arm around my shoulders. " I saw you two dancing, I didn't know you had that in you."

 " Oh, trust me. I have a lot more." I whisper back so the other guys won't hear it.

 I notice that instead of having a drink on his hand, he has something that looks like a cigarette, but I'm not dumb, I'm pretty sure that's weed. He sees me looking and instead of trying to explain he asks me if I want it.

 " I don't know." I say quietly. " I've never tried it before." 

 " But do you want to?" He asks curiously.

 I stay in silence for a bit, not knowing what to say. But then, I decide that if I'm ever going to try this is the perfect opportunity, since he's here with me. I know he smokes sometimes, I wasn't surprised by that, but he never did it in front of me.

 " Sure." I say looking at him.

 " Really?" He asks in surprise.

 " I mean… why not?" I say biting my bottom lip.

 He laughs at my answer and pulls me to another room, where I assume is the living room. He sits in the only spot left in the couch and pulls me to his lap. When he hands me the joint I just look at it nervously, but then he tells me what to do, and as I drag in I feel my throat burning and then I start to cough like crazy. He laughs a little and when I can finally breathe, he tells me to try again. I do that and it's not as bad the second time, and after that becomes very easy. In a few minutes I'm already feeling extremely relaxed, and after awhile I'm giggling about random things.

 " How are you feeling?" Shawn asks laughing at me as he tries to hold me because I'm almost falling from his lap.

 " Happy." I say laughing with him.

 " I can tell." He says before kissing my lips.

 I feel my lips tingling after touching his, and it's like the feeling is running through my whole body. Wanting to feel that again, I kiss him one more time. It starts softly, but then I just can't get enough of it, and when he bites my bottom lip a loud moan leaves my mouth.

 " Maybe we should stop." Shawn says realizing we're in a room full of people and this could escalate very quickly.

 " But I don't want to." I say trying to kiss him again.

 " Let's go take a walk outside, you could use some air." He says making me get up and doing the same. " Actually, I could use some air too."

 We walk through the crowded house and get outside, and that's when I notice the bulge in his pants. I don't know why but suddenly I'm totally turned on just by that, and without him noticing I guide him to the car. I know he has the keys with him because my brother got into the pool and was afraid to lose it.

 " Why are we walking to the car?" He asks me suspiciously.

 " I don't know…" I say laughing a little.

 He laughs with me because he knows what I'm thinking about, I'm pretty sure he has the same thing on his mind. I reach for the keys on his pockets and unlock the car, then I open the back door and get in. He gets in after me and doesn't waste time crashing his lips on mine as I straddle him. I look outside the window for a second to see if there's anyone passing by, but even if there was the street is kinda dark so it would be hard to see us. 

 I start kissing his neck as I grind against the bulge on his pants. Both of us moan out loud as I keep moving, it's like all of our senses are triplicated. I move back to kiss his lips as my hands unbutton his pants and pull them down with his boxers. His hands move my dress up my hips and before he can even do anything else, I push my panties to the side and lower myself on him without even taking the piece of clothing off. Just the feeling of him inside me takes me to the edge and as I start moving I feel like I can come undone at any second. Our kisses are slow just as my movements, but that seems to make everything better. His hands help me move as we both breathe hard, and in a few minutes I feel myself reaching my high. This is totally new, it's like the intensity of two orgarms in one, so when Shawn lays me down in the backseat and keeps moving I feel like I could cum all over again. 

 He moves slower than he usually does, making me wonder how he's lasting so long, but I don't protest because I don't think I've ever felt like this before. Every little thing he does takes me to the edge, and suddenly I'm clenching around him so hard I could probably pass out. A few seconds later I feel him cumming inside me, and when he pulls out I'm still feeling high, both from the weed and the two orgarms I just had. We fix our clothes, but keep layed down there still too weak to get up.

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