the first day

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the dullness of the walls

becomes a blank canvas

because she is suddenly there

she moves through the doorway

and with only her motion

the strokes of her limbs

she paints the room more colours than I knew

my world is saturated

now, and forever

because she is suddenly there

the past is grey

it is old and lost

because she is suddenly there

the days are gone

they are behind me

because she is suddenly there

I don't need them

if I only know her as new

and so I erase myself

the movie starts now

let the music flood into my body

let the first scene begin

she is the star

now her song is in my ears

and it never ends

and it becomes mine

as my thoughts move with it

she moves in rainbows across the room

she laughs to her friend

and her eyes light up

and so do mine

I knew my life started then

I knew it in the very depths of my heart

I knew from the tingling of my skin

of every surface and hair

that it had all begun

that the future was a fluorescent sky

floating above

in endless waves

and I knew already

I knew I loved her

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