The misunderstanding

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"Would you please do me the favor of passing the lights?"

"Yeah, give me a second."

Yes, you've guessed it, it's Christmas. The avengers are preparing for the frozen season, with hot chocolate and hoodies along with cuddles and the noisy argument of the arrogant duo.

"Hey Nat, could you hurry up!" Clint said almost yelling. He had a reason he was freezing to death.

"I said hold up." Nat finished adjusting her hat on her head.


It took Clint for a surprise when the 'tons' of lights came flying at him.

"Well thanks a lot, now look what you've done."

"That's what you get for rushing me," Nat said almost falling from laughing at Clint tangled with the bright lights.

"I swear Nat! If it weren't for Steve sending me out here, you'd be at the bottom of this roof with an arrow on your corpse."

"Aw come on, don't get mad, you know I love you!"

"Well It doesn't seem like it, you're still laughing!" Clint pouted finishing up with the lights.

"Steve is gonna pay for this." Clint murmured under his breath.

"Come on cutie." Nat grabbed Clint by the hands and kissed his cheek. "Merry Christmas"

Clint blushed, "Merry Christmas to you too."

They headed inside the tower.

I will admit, the weather outside was bitter, but it was way better to be outside than baring to hear the chaotic mouths of these two.

"oh shut it stark! you knew it was a joke, why do you have to be so cynical about it!?"

"well if you and your magical piece of cloth don't hit it by the time I count to three with all your jokes, I promise you I'll bring out the blasters, and it isn't going to be pretty!"

"oh no you did not, first it's not a piece of cloth its a fucking cloak and if you want to play that game, alright then, bring out your toy blasters but I'll warn you, you don't want to go up against the master of mystic arts!"

Stephen showed off his shields, tony got his iron suit blasters, and the rest of his nano-technology.

they glared at each other with rage.

"Alright alright, let it go, come on you two. why can't you guys just get along?" Steve said.

"w-what? is that even a question!?" Tony blurted out pointing at Stephen

"this dude thinks he knows it all, just because he was a surgeon, like come on, anyone can be a surgeon, its not that hard."

Stephen gasped and was ready to open his mouth until Natasha came in along with Clint.

"hey gu-, it's happened again hasn't it?"

"yeah, I just don't get it, WHY IS IT SO HARD?" Rhodes said.

"stark is an okay dude, but his sarcastic ass won't shut up and by the time I have to get things ready he's always in the way or doesn't do anything, just last week, we were getting ready for a mission and what did you do? drink, that's what you do. like who's going to a mission drunk? I guess what I'm trying to say is that your actions are disturbing." Stephen explained.

"so you're saying that if I were to 'think' before I spoke and did things, you'd be fine with me?"


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