If you were there for me

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Stephen levitated to his room, gently closing his door. He was well aware of Tony's arrival soon and the other stephen and the rest of the issue.

He sighed as the cloak patted his back, feeling overwhelmed with this whole situation.

He decided it was a good time for some tea.

"What do we have here today?"

Levi pointed at the peppermint tea, since he hadn't had some of that in a while.

Stephen made his tea drinking it little by little.

Levi stood at the corner looking at his master.

Strange looked up, sighed, almost annoyed that he couldn't understand him, so he made some hand gestures, making Levi talk once again.

"Thank you master" Levi spoke as it levitated closer to Stephen.

Stephen smiled slightly, going back to drinking his tea.

"So what is going to happen next doctor?"

Stephen sighed "I don't know"

"Mr. Stark and Mr. Strange will be returning in exactly 2 hours and 34 minutes"

Stephen sipped more from the cup of tea and set it down.

"It's time"

The cloak folded it collar, understanding what he meant.

Stephen got up, Levi landed on his shoulders.

Strange opened the door, knowing exactly where everyone would be.

Steve standing near the counter, Bucky besides him.

Natasha and Clint on the couch, talking.

Dr. Banner besides a drunk Thor.

Loki and Wanda, talking, about tony and the other Stephen.

Carol, Scott, and Rhodey watching the television. And so on.

As he opened that door, what he had been thinking was accurate.

He levitated, heading to the kitchen.

Wanda wasn't surprised to see Stephen, having already talked to him.

As strange entered the kitchen, being on everyone's view side, every single soul went quiet.


"Ah Captain, good to see you."

Wanda slightly chuckled, getting closer to Stephen.

"What are you-?" Steve was confused.

"It's alright Steve" came Wanda's voice.

"It's him, our universal Stephen"

"But how?" Said Scott.

Stephen sighed knowing he had to explain everything. Hearing it out loud really made him regret certain things.

"Alright, I owe you all an explanation."

Stephen could feel all eyes on him.

He sighed once more, and whispered to the cloak, making it go stand near the door.

This was going to take a while.

"Approximately 3 days ago, I was here in the tower, that night I didn't sleep at the regular time of mine. Saying this, I stayed up, almost all night. Partially explaining why I hadn't woken up as early as I usual do, the next day-"

He paused.

Looking up at the crew, he created a portal to his room, only extending his hand to grab his tea and back, closing the portal.

"As I was saying-" he sipped some of his tea, setting it down afterwards.

"I stayed up, does anyone want to guess who was there to keep me company?"

"Tony-" rhodey said, being more sure than anything else in the world.

"Exactly, there's a confession I must make, saying this."

Every single one put their eyes on Stephen, curiously.

"I had a crush on tony. It's true and I want to assume I did a good job on hiding it"

Stephen looked up, noticing Wanda, and then he turned back to the rest of the crew.

"I always knew you two were going to end up together" Clint said, smirking a bit.

Stephen chuckled slightly.

"So I had created a plan, and of course, being this a personal thing, I made sure it didn't affect any of you." He looked up at Wanda, whiling she looked down, he sighed and continued.

"I traveled amongst multiverses, in which consist of different realities. The reason being, in this universe tony and I hate each other and I couldn't live with that."

"So you traveled into a reality in which you guys didn't, hate each other" Loki added.

"yep." Said strange.

I can't leave you guys hanging any longer, and I've just been so busy. I need to post something and this is it. Part two of this will come out I promise. Sorry it's so short and somewhat of a cliff hanger but it's the best I can do for now, again my apologies til next time love y'all

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