I love you?

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Before you read, please ask yourselves- what is love?
Tell me what you guys think.

After all his time spent with a Stephen who actually loved him, tony began to think, and he thought of all the times this Stephen had said "I love you" and all the times Tony had never said it back.

but, was it on him for feeling a certain way. no one could ever know, but one thing was for sure, Today was going to be a very long day.

Stephen had promised tony that he'd return home, to "fix" all of this.

after crashing on the sand and enjoying the last rays of the sun, last night, tony was very tired to wake up. but when Stephen makes a promise nothing will prevent him from keeping it.

Not even Tony's tired ass.

Stephen got out of bed and opened the hotel blades, making the burning rays of light reflect on tony's annoyed-looking face.

tony groaned at the lights, definitely not prepared for what was about to happen in a couple of hours.

"good morning to you too."

"and if you don't mind me asking- why this early!?" Tony growled.

"tony its 10 in the morning, it is not early, as a matter of fact its pretty late and plus I kept a promise, we're heading home today," Stephen replied feeling a bit sad.

tony sighed, his eyes still getting used to the light, speaking of which, on the other side of the world, where the light was actually leaving, the crew was growing desperate for updates.

"Wanda, now?"


"what about now?"



Scott grew very impatient.

"Scott for the last time I said-- oh wait actually yes you can call them now," Wanda said feeling tired as she'll ever be.

Scott dialed Tony's number.

"hey, tony-"

all he heard was him yawning from the other line.

"Hey- we've just woken up."

"oh, hope I didn't-"

Scott looked over at the others and then back at the phone

"-interrupt anything."

"oh no no, we are heading home now actually."

"o-oh" Scott tried to make that sound as exaggerated as he could so the others could seem more interested.

Steve looked up, and bucky got closer, Wanda raised a brow, along with Loki, nat and bruce smirked, thor confused as always, carol was just there, Clint mumbled, "told ya they'd kiss first" and it was so dramatic all as Scott wanted it to be.

"Alright then, have a smooth flight we'll be waiting here." Scott ended the call.

"soo what was that about," Wanda asked.

"turns out, they're on their way here, uh now."


something wasn't right. and Wanda needed to talk to Levi about it, but this time she had to be alone.

"uh, well it's getting a bit late, i-i'm heading off to bed," Wanda said faking a yawn.

everyone in the room looked at her weird, but despite if they cared or not it wasn't their business so Wanda didn't put much interest.

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